It's Pink Saturday again today! It's so much fun to join in every Saturday with Beverly at How Sweet the Sound and all the other Pinkie Junkies!
Today for Pink Saturday I am going to show you a glass PINK Citrus Juicer I have. I needed one so I can make fresh squeeze OJ from our Orange Trees so when I saw this for sale a couple weeks ago, I just had to have it!

Hi Annie,
I have been on a hunt down for one of those Pink cuties! Love them and I remember my grandmother had one just like it.
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday Deanna :D
Happy PS Anne.. citrus juice taste delicious when one use pink juicer! hehehehe have a good weekend!
You got something you needed PLUS a Pink Saturday post.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Love this!
~ Gabriela ~
LOve that juicer.
Happy pink Saturday, Riet
Hi Annie,
I love your pink juicer. I just bought a vintage glass juicer, too. But mine isn't pink.
Thanks so much for the great post today. I just ♥ traveling from blog to blog...the photos, the crafts, the ideas...too fun!
Yours was especially fun this week. Thank you!
See you next week!
Love it!! I just saw one the other day....somewhere, picked it up, and thought I need this, no I don't I don't even drink orange juice, but it's pink, etc. etc. I left without it, but wish I hadn't. Love yours AND did you say YOUR orange trees? Yum!!! How heavenly!! Happy Pink Saturday!!
♥ Teresa
The squeezer is beautiful and it's one of those things we have that you know should be out for all to see everyday. Oh if we just had the space for it all, Happy Pink Saturday, Char
So cute...although looking at it this morning gave me a craving for grapefruit juice!
I love pink glass dishes!
I don't think I've ever been here before but I think your blog is delightful. Happy pink saturday, chickee!
What a very sweet juicer!!! I have the top part in green and now I know what the bottom looks like. THANKS for sharing! Happy pink Saturday!!!
Love, love, love that little pink juicer. I have a green depression glass one, but I want a pink one!!!
Happy Pink Saturday!
I love the juicer, so pretty in pink glass! And I love your header! Happy Pink Saturday, Anne!
That juicer is sooo neat; happy pink day!
Great piece. I don't think that I have ever seen one in the pink depression glass. Cute!
Have a great Pink Saturday!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ HAPPY PINK SATURDAY ♥
I love fresh squeezed orange juice. Those old glass squeezers are the best for making fresh oj.
Happy Pink Saturday.
I don't know what makes me more jeaulous...the lovely juicer or that you have orange trees....!!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Your new banner is so cute. Love the upside down tomato plant idea. My grandma had an orange juicer just like yours. Wish I still had it. Mimi
I love your header - adorable! I just love the pink depression glass. Your juicer is too cute! ~Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn
Love it!! Jean
Hello Ann!
I love your PINK juicer and to have fresh orange juice is the best! I have spent several minutes on your blog going through all your garden pictures! What a treat! You have always had a wonderful green thumb and such talent in the garden! I think you need to re~post the pictures of your porch and the front of your home from last spring! It is beautiful Ann! Have a wonderful Sabbath Day my friend!
Oh my goodness! That is adorable! What a find!
WOW! Super juicer! Happy Pink saturday!
Hugs, Lisa
Oh, I love it! Is that a new one, or is it vintage? I've never seen one with two pieces like that.
Have a lovely week!
Margie :)
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