Today is Pink Saturday. I have been so bad lately. I haven't been posting during the week, only on Saturdays and I have neglected all my blogging buddies. I promise I will do better!
I am trying to think what to post for Pink Saturday and I noticed a lot of you are getting snow, rain, freeze, etc. It was a beautiful day today in Southern California so I thought I would post some pink pictures from my garden. At night it's been cold, but during the day, it gets up to the upper 70s. Today I noticed on my car thermometer it was 80 degrees, I had to turn the A/C on. 2 weeks ago it was a freak heat wave, it was in the upper 90s and low 100s all week. Of course, this caused havoc on my flowers. They are so confused, is it fall or has spring begun?
My pink daisies bloom spring and fall. After they have bloomed I cut off all the dead flowers and round off the bush. When they start to get blooms again they are round and full! If I don't do this, the plant bush seems to part and fall over.

This is my Betty Boop Rose Bush. I love the colors on this rose bush! It blooms for me all year long! In January I will cut it back around 4 feet. I cringe every year when I do this because it still has beautiful roses on it. After I get done cutting it back, it looks horrible like I have ruin it! But I know in spring time, it will start to come back and it will produce more blooms if I had not cut it!
After all this gardening, I am having a big craving for a cupcake right about now! I will take the pink one in the middle please!
For more Pink Saturday posts, please click here and go visit our hostess for Pink Saturday,
Ms. Beverly, At How Sweet The Sound!