I have a collection of Vintage Sand Pails and Children's Watering Cans that I would like to show you. I have been collecting these for the past 10 years.

My little black bear looking over my garden while I am not there
I love making birdhouses out of gourds. If you are artistic you can paint anything you want on them
This is one I drilled a hole by using a hole attachment to my drill
Then I painted it yellow and speckled it black. I also drilled a tiny hole and glued a wooden dowel as a perch. I then drilled 2 holes in the top and hung it with wire
This is one that the perch is made out of a twig branch
This one has large holes on each side with wooden perches and is made into a feeder. You put bird seed inside and the birds sit on the perches and eat
I again want to thank Patty at Attic Full of Clutter for sending me these beautiful gourds. Be sure to check out her blog at Attic Full of Clutter or visit her webpage where she sells these beautiful gourds at my.atticfullofclutter.com She grows lovely gourds and sells them at great prices too!
I am off to my craft room to paint these new gourds!
This tricycle is one of my latest Garage Sale finds. I think it looks so cute in the garden with flowers on it! A old tree stump with a bird bath on it surrounded by pink petunias
This Hibiscus bush is over 12 feet tall. It is full of beautiful flowers. I have taken a picture of one of the white and pink flowers close up below.
This is one of the Hibiscus flowers close up.
I even have Pumpkins!
Hope you enjoyed the tour of my garden on Blooming Tuesday~ Now, get on over to Jean at Miss Green Thumb Jean and see all the other beautiful gardens!