Today is Bloomin' Tuesday over at Ms Green Thumb Jean's Blog. We all join in and show what is blooming in our garden today.
My yard is so alive with many blooms. The weather here in Southern California has been wonderful. I feel so bad for those of you that are still having snow. All these pictures were taken today in my garden.
In my patio I have pots of these Osteospermums or African Daisies on each side of the stairs. They bloom all summer long. In the winter I just trim them back and they come back with pretty blooms in spring.

My husband bought me these purple Hydrangeas. I have never seen them in purple before. I think they look so pretty with the pink, red and white cyclamens. 

Here is a close up of that purple Hydrangea flower. Its more of a purple color than a blue one.

Here is a white flowering peach tree I have in bloom. Yum, I can't wait for the peaches!

I planted these maroon colored double bearded Iris last year. They are blooming this year. They are so dark in color. I think they looked better in the picture on the package when I bought them.
Here are some red Gerber Daisies and red Petunias in an area with some of my homemade Mosaic stepping stones.
This rose bush is called Betty Boop.
This Rose bush is called St Patrick's
This Rose Bush is called Hot Shot
I have over 150 rose bushes throughout my 3 acre yard. I feed them every March, June and September. In January I cut them all back and the cycle starts over again.
This Rose Bush is called Double Delight. (a very popular rose bush)

Hi Anne.. do you think I could apply a job as your gardener? hehehehehe just kidding.. you have beautiful garden.. always love your roses! you seems to have lots of roses.. Happy Blooming Tuesday!
150 rose bushes? My word! That must be a full time job. I have ten, and because I have to do supplemental watering over and above the irrigation system schedule, plus all the fertilizer, pruning, pest control, etc. I can't imagine having any more.
What do you use for mulch?
Your place must smell heavenly when they are all in bloom!
Pretty blooms Ann! You put such love into your gardens and it shows! An inspiration to all!
Of course, beautiful as always. Thanks for the tips on the roses!!
That orchid is so beautiful.
Your flowers are so lovely. I would love to come and stroll through your yard. You have 150 rose bushes! That is awesome!
I wish you would take some photo's of your mociac stepping stones you made and share them - I would loe to see them! Thanks for all the sharing! Paula in Idaho
Oh my those orchids are gorgeous. That's it I'm movin' in with you, I can't beleive you have all these beautiful flowers, and they bloom non-stop. Hugs, Rosemarie
Your garden is glorious right now Anne! No roses here yet, it will be at least a month before we can enjoy the heavenly scent of them. You have a wonderful selection and I bet your garden smells like heaven on earth. :)
your flowers are goregous, I've never seen the darker iris' they are really pretty, love the gerber daisies, mine have come back, no blooms yet, mine are yellow. Love your roses, I have never had much luck with rose bushes, my Mom does though, she can cut off and put in ground and it grows.
I knew coming here would raise my spirits. I love flowers and seeing yours just makes me happy today. :0) Thank you for that. I'm loving the African Daisies. Growing up, my dad had our front planters filled with them. When they bloomed it was just gorgeous! Our home was the only house with a three tiered front planter and decorative work on the whole block and when a person would turn the corner to our street, they could see all the flowers blooming. It was fantastic. My dad has geraniums in those planters now. He says they're easier to deal with and spread nicely.
I hope you are enjoying our wonderful weather. I was until this bug tied me to the indoors, but yesterday, I did go out and sit in the sun for a spell. It warmed me and I felt a wee bit better.
Enjoy your day!
Ok, Anne, I have just experienced beauty overload! Thank you for sharing, now I go wipe the drool off of my face...
Your blooms are beautiful.
Anne, I can't believe you have that many roses! Amazing! I love the color of your hydrangea! I've never seen purple either. I also like the dark iris. Your garden is certainly colorful! Thanks! Jean
What beautiful colors!
Lovely! Spring is just starting out here in NY. Wish we had more color. It is a little dreary right now. Your photos are such a treat to see they give me hope for my own garden. :)
Oh, goodness, these are all so lovely. Your Betty Boop rose is beautiful -- I have one too that I love! Beautiful hydrangea. Your photos make me so anxious for Summer!
Oh I just adore your gardens! That purple hydrangea is just something else! Do you know the variety?
Hi Anne, Love all your blooms!
Have a great week.
Wow! You have a lot of roses. There is a rose garden up here called John's Rose Garden. They open to the public one day a year. The Saturday before Mother's Day. We took my mom there one year. It was so lovely to visit it. They have a website. I will have to look for it.
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