I first bought a really inexpensive plastic hanging pot with chain. It was only around $3 which is great compared to these companies that sell these so call special tomato hanging pots for a high price.

I then drilled a one inch hole in the bottom of the pot

Then I added some black material fiber in the bottom. I also cut a X in the material so that the roots can fit through it. This black material fiber is the black paper you can buy to suppress weeds. This will hold back the dirt so that it doesn't drain out your hole! This is really important to add!

Then I stuck through the bottom hole the tomato plant

Once your plant is in place, start filling with dirt. I also planted another one on the top

Here is the finished pot filled with two different kinds of tomato plants. You can also do this to squash or cucumbers too! I have also seen the hanging pots with tomatoes on the bottom and herbs on top!

Here is a picture of a hanging tomato plant in a basket. Doesn't it look great??

This is a fun idea! How many tomatoes do you get out of your basket? Where doyou have it hangine?
Thanks forvisiting my blog - so fun to find other LDS! Paula
I would love to be able to do this, but with our climate, I'd have to water a hanging basket four or five times a day! As it is, in early summer, I have to water a container tomato every day. Planting two varieties like you have is really great!
I have seen these but never knew how to do them! Thanks might give it a try, it looks so neat too.
you are so clever, I'm going to have to try that, I was planning on planting a few tomatoe plants this year and that would work great
So the tomatoes are planted upside down?
You certainly have a green thumb. I have a post on my thumb's color. Come see how I garden.
That is so cool. I have got to try this. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Awesome! One of my friends has made these, but this tutorial really helps me visualize the planting. Thanks so much for sharing this with us all! I definitely want to try this!
Thank you for sharing this! I want to do something like this for my mom's yard, and now I know how:)
No way, you already have tomatoes? That's it I'm moving next door to you. If I lived there I'd never go inside. Rosemarie
What a wonderful idea. We have so many rabbits here I gave up on trying to grow tomatoes! Will it work with full size tomatoes or only the little ones? I gotta try this!! Thanks so much for the creative solution to rotten critter problems!
I've seen upside down tomatoes but this is even better! Thanks for the information. Jean
WOW ANN THANKS FOR EXPLAINING THAT! I was trying to figure out what to do this year. We have a lady in our neighborhood that has like 20-30 cats. Two of them used our garden as a litter box. We can no longer use it until we figure out if that cats have really stopped visiting (Deryk chased them away and we haven't seen them since), but doing that with the tomatoes is a super idea and it looks so pretty!
So cool and it looks pretty like that too. I will have to show hubby!
Hi Anne! What a great idea, love this! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, I really appreciate you taking the time to do that. Adding you to my blog roll so I can visit you again easily. Wishing you a wonderful week!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Jacaranda Cottage.
Wow! That's a wonderful idea, Miss Annie!
Hi Anne,
I have seem some upside down tomato planter on T.V. and wondered how they work, so now I know. You are so clever. I will have to try this.
Have a great day,
WoW and so easy to do. Thanks for the info. Having girlfriends hang out on April Fools Day and think this will be a fun project for us retirees.
When the plant gets heavy with tomatoes, why doesn't it fall out of the hole in the bottom???
This is great. I'm making one for me AND my son!
The roots of the plant hold the plant in and it will not fall out through the hole!
I may have to try this idea!
My daughter is looking for information about how to do this for the balcony of her apartment, I'll send her the link! Are these full size "slicing" tomatoes, or cherry tomatoes? Have you done both? Thanks!
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