It's Bloomin' Tuesday over at Green Thumb Jean's Blog. She invites all us garden friends to also post what is blooming in our garden today.
It looks like spring is in the air at Anne Fannie's Green Acres. We have had warm and cold days then warm and cold days, etc. Some of my plants are starting to look really good for February! I have also noticed birds starting to make their nest in some of my bird houses!
My daffodils are blooming in different colors. My favorite is the ones with the orange center

Did you know that gophers and ground squirrels do not mess with daffodils?I just love this yellow rose bush. I don't know the name of it because it was here when I bought the place. It has really long stems, does anyone know the name?
I love Marigold flowers. I really like the fact that the rabbits, gophers and ground squirrels don't like to eat them either. Probably because they smell awful!
My daisy bushes are starting to bloom like crazy. I forgot to take a picture of the yellow and white bushes. These are the pink and purple daisy bushes.

I love looking at your beautiful flowers, especially the daffodils.
Anne I have really enjoyed reading about your gardens it is 7:48 am
(4:48 your time)and it is 18 degrees. It has gone up one degree since I got up. Corey says hello.
Ann -- your garden is so beautiful already! It does my heart good to look at all the lovely blooms. Your daffodils are so beautiful and I love that yellow rose. The snapdragons are so wonderful -- one of my very favorites! Keep those blossoms coming -- it give those of us in colder climates hope!
Great beautiful blooms here, what type of ground cover is that pink, it's beautiful!
Love your yellows, and then pinks, and then combined! So, springy!!
Ok, now you have to share the name of that last picture!!
Love the flowers -gives me hope for our own spring --thanks for shairng these wonderlful pictures Paula from Idaho
Looks like Spring has come to you alittle early.You have so many blooms.I am so in awe of all your daisies,I love dasies.
What a wonderful selection of daffodils! They are all beautiful and a great sign of spring to come. I also love your daisy bushes. Lovely! Jean
Dear Anne,
I love your flowers! Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog, I'm linked up to you now, and I'll follow. Oh how I long to see the flowers in bloom, but here in KY we're still fighting frost, snow and ice. Not as bad as northern states, but I'M READY for Spring!!! It's funny you mention Green Acres cause I live in Green County, a small little county in central Kentucky. God bless you, and I look forward to your friendship!!
Anne, your beautiful gardens have me itching to get my gardens going. Just a few daffodils and tulips starting to poke through the ground her in NC.
Annie Fannie.......I AM Lovin Your blog....I want to follow yoU~ ;) I'm also an avid gardner., come check out my Outdoor Wednesday post today so you can enjoy perusing my Mother's (73yrs old at the time)Iris Garden where she sold Iris Root/bulbs and raised $1,000 for charity to go toward a children's orphanage home in Peru. You will enjoy it since you love Gardening so much too! Totally enjoyed your post! ~CC Catherine from "Catherine de th`e Cups"
Your gardens are just fairy-tale lovely! Spring is so exciting and you are definitely there!
Its all so beautiful as I look out and see nothing but snow!
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