Friday, February 6, 2009

Show and Tell Friday - European size Tea Cups and Saucers

For Show and Tell Friday I thought I would post pictures of some of my collection of European size Tea Cups and Saucers. The European size are a little smaller than our standard tea cups and saucers. They display really well and don't take up that much space!

This one belonged to my Grandmother and Mother. They brought the whole set here from Italy. My mom still has the whole set, I just have one of the tea cups and saucers for my collection.
This one also belonged to my grandmother. My grandmother use to also collect the European size tea cups and saucers. In fact, I display my sets on the same shelf my grandmother use to have for her collection!
This set I picked up at a flea market in Quartzite, Arizona

This one I picked up for $1.00 at a garage saleThis next one I bought at a Peddlers Market in Big Bear Lake, Ca for $3.00.

For more Show and Tell Friday posts, please go visit Kelli at There's No Place Like Home!


Janet said...

Oh how very pretty! I also love anything in china. I will have to "show" you one day!

Hootin Anni said...

Absolutely beautiful, each and every one of them.

My Show n Tell is posted now, hope you can drop by. It's going to be a 3-parter so it won't take so long for loading.

Anonymous said...

Nice colection you have! I really like the first one, I like gold.
Btw, you never told me from which part of iotaly your family come from.
Have a nice weekend.

Heidi Pocketbook said...

What a pretty collection! How neat it is that you can display them the same as your grandmother. I didn't realize that European cups were smaller.

Have a great weekend :-)

Constance said...

Very pretty! My mother is from Germany and so I am always interested when other people share from their family's treasures! Unfortunately, because of the WW2 my mother and grandparents lost everything and were refugees so none of my great grandparents belongings were handed down. I do however have a couple of things from my grandmother that are post WW2. have a lovely weekend!

Ingrid said...

They must be old ! I think my grandma collected cups and had them in a vitrine.

playsdolls said...

You have a lovely set of tea cups and saucers.

SmilingSally said...

Pictures # 3 and #5 look as if they come from the same set. Thanks for sharing. Happy Show and Tell Friday!

Carrie said...

Your collection of cups is very beautiful..each one is a lovely dainty design.

Anonymous said...

Very nice collection of tea cups

Kristen said...

They are all so pretty. What a wonderful collection.

Anonymous said...

These are so nicely decorated-love florals as they are so dainty.
Thanks for stopping by my blog too.

nikkicrumpet said...

I didn't know that teacups in Europe were smaller...that's very interesting. They are really beautiful too!

C. C. said...

What nice European cups and saucers you have! I learned something; I didn't know they were any different in sizing from ours. Perhaps it is because they drink espresso and can only have a little of it? I guess not, I suppose they drink tea out of them. Very lovely!

C. C.

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Oh, such a pretty collection and how great that you have your grandmothers pieces...and the shelf too!

Elizabeth-Plain and Simple said...

I love the tea cups. They are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them.


Jean said...

Very pretty collection! Love that they are smaller than regular tea cups. Jean

Carla said...

sssssooooo pretty! Thank you for sharing today:)

joyh82 said...

What pretty teacups!

Mimi Sue said...

I didn't know there were different sizes for tea cups. That's so interesting. Yours are beautiful. Mimi

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

These little tea cups are all so pretty! Love 'em all!


~CC Catherine said...

Annie, love your tea cup collection. I too have a teacup collection! Stop by for a visit sometime soon! ~CC Catherine of "Catherine de th`e Cups"

Neabear said...

I have some smaller ones too. I guess maybe they are European teacups also. Seems I am always learning something new. That is waht is so fun about blogging. The things I learn I might not learn otherwise. You sure have some pretty ones there. Thanks for sharing.

Lisa Cobler said...

These are so beautiful and dainty. I like the one's with the roses the best.

Karen Sherrill said...

WOW...they are all so pretty! I am starting to collect tea cups for me and my's so much fun!


Pink Slippers said...

Funny, my parents have a house in Big Bear Lake. I've bought a few things over the years at the peddlers market. Even one of my kitty's are form there. Love your collection and that they have a personal history.

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hi Ann!

I love all your sweet tea cups & saucers, especially your Grandmother's. So quaint! Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy this rain we have been blessed with!


FeeBeeKay said...

What lovely little tea-cups - you are right about European sizes too. In America I think everything's bigger than here! My grandma used to serve with tea cups and saucers when we were little, and my mother used to have a fit in case we broke one. Thank you so much for that trip back in time! FeeBeeKay

GRAMS said...

Anne thank you so much for visiting my blog. I have thoroughly enjoyed myself visiting you. My mother was from England and I have several beautiful tea cups that I inherited from her although we never drank tea just hot chocolate in them but ooooh what a treat as a child to be trusted with her very best. I'm going to add you to my google reader so I can keep track of you. Janis

Kelli said...

What a wonderful collection! I especially love the blue floral set.
P.s. Thank you for the birthday wishes!

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