Today is Bloomin' Tuesday where we are to post pictures of what's blooming in our garden.
Today it is suppose to be 86 degrees. It's been beautiful weather for the past week. My flowers are confused and they think it's springtime. All these pictures were taken today!
I have lots of yellow daffodils in bloom!
Paper WhitesLemon Kiss Daisies Pink Cyclamens Yellow Hibiscus Lots of Hyacinths bulbs blooming Some of my rose bushes are still going strong from last year! I haven't been able to prune these this year yet because they have so many blooms on them. OK, I will rephrase that sentence, I haven't pruned them yet because I don't want to...not just yet...maybe soon.....
Here's some other flowers worth showing todayThese next two pictures are a sure sign that my plants are totally confused. This is a white flowering Dogwood Tree that is suppose to bloom in spring. Right now it is in full bloom and it started to bloom in January during the first sign of warm weather. It is so pretty, these pictures do not show how truly beautiful in bloom it really is! For more Bloomin' Tuesday posts, please go visit Ms Green Thumb Jean's Blog!
Wow, look at all those blooms in February! It will be at least a month before I have those spring bloomers to enjoy. I would be confused too with temps like that right now. Happy Bloomin Tuesday Anne! :)
It must be wonderful to look out in February and see so many beautiful blooms.You have a lot of wonderful blooms.Thanks for sharing a bit of Spring even though it is not Spring yet.
Your array of flowers continues to amaze me! I had to look at your porfile again to see where you live, and I should have known. Southern California is probably the best place of all for a large variety of plants. I especially love the Lemon Drop Daisies. I did prune my roses in January, and several are completely leafed out already! I hope it doesn't get hot too quickly, as early spring and late fall are the only times I have decent roses. Aiyana
I don't think I would be able to prune those roses right now either! I do know the beauty of a Flowering Dogwood, we have some, have you ever seen the pink ones. I also can't wait for my Daffs to bloom!!
Everything is so pretty at your house. We have the some issue here in Northern California but not as warm as it is for you. Although rain is supposed on the way. I am glad, we needit desperately. Our area is now officially under water rationing.
Oh My goodness! Your garden makes me feel that bubbling excitement from deep down inside of spring time! I love it. It makes my heart sing to see such things. Can I come and sit in your garden! I can't wait to see pictures as your season progresses.
I love your blog and other posts I just looked through. Thanks for sharing! Paula in Idaho
no way that is a dogwood! Covered with all those blooms it looks like a pear tree. WOW! All your blooms are lovely, and springy, have a blooming great week:)
so pretty! The weather has been just glorious! I know my jasmine is blooming all ready! We don't usually see blooms until March! enjoy our warm weather. How was your visit with your family? Hope you had a good time.
Love all those blooms, I'm jealous. Wanted to let you know that the red scales in my etsy picture is not for sale. My kitchen is red so that's where I have them displayed. Arn't they great, Hugs, Rosemarie
Wow! I enjoy you blog.. the photos and all those flowers!! I visit your blog on and off and I was scrolling your page up and down looking to subscribe myself as a reader but didn't find one.. (do you have one by the way??). Anyway, I saved yours as a Favorite (I already had one earlier) but this time, I drag it right towards the top!!.. near to those I frequent often.. besides those weekly spiritual reflections etc.
Keep the pictures and blogging going!! They are a feast and joy to the eyes, heart and soul!!
Cheers, Angela KL (sorry, I don't have a blog.. abit lazy to blog but visit lots of food blogs daily).
You are making me so homesick for California. Your flowers are so beautiful. Our bulbs are just starting to come out of the ground. Hopefully by March we'll have a few blooms. Mimi
Well I must say, I am so glad I stopped by today to see all these lovely flower photos. I am such an avid gardener and it is the dead of winter here in MA. I guess you could say I am a bit jealous of your loveliness.
I did enjoy the few minutes of feeling like spring by stopping by. Thanks for the uplift!
I am 100% Italian. I am married to the greatest guy. We have 8 children, 18 grandchildren, 3 spoiled dogs, 1 spoiled cat, 2 Tortoises, Koi Fish and a Blue and Gold Macaw Parrot with an attitude.
We have been so blessed with a wonderful family, wonderful life, and many wonderful friends.
I love gardening and making all kinds of crafts. My passion is Mosaics and Stained Glass.
We live in a wonderful country Victorian home on 3 acres and have a 5 acre Avocado Grove next door. We call it "GREEN ACRES".
Wow, look at all those blooms in February! It will be at least a month before I have those spring bloomers to enjoy. I would be confused too with temps like that right now. Happy Bloomin Tuesday Anne! :)
It must be wonderful to look out in February and see so many beautiful blooms.You have a lot of wonderful blooms.Thanks for sharing a bit of Spring even though it is not Spring yet.
Your array of flowers continues to amaze me! I had to look at your porfile again to see where you live, and I should have known. Southern California is probably the best place of all for a large variety of plants. I especially love the Lemon Drop Daisies. I did prune my roses in January, and several are completely leafed out already! I hope it doesn't get hot too quickly, as early spring and late fall are the only times I have decent roses.
I don't think I would be able to prune those roses right now either! I do know the beauty of a Flowering Dogwood, we have some, have you ever seen the pink ones. I also can't wait for my Daffs to bloom!!
Everything is so pretty at your house. We have the some issue here in Northern California but not as warm as it is for you. Although rain is supposed on the way. I am glad, we needit desperately. Our area is now officially under water rationing.
Your name should be Mary so that we could say, "Mary, how does your garden grow?" I love your blooms and especially those daffodils.
86??? WOW how nice! Your flowers are all so GORGEOUS!
Oh My goodness! Your garden makes me feel that bubbling excitement from deep down inside of spring time! I love it. It makes my heart sing to see such things. Can I come and sit in your garden! I can't wait to see pictures as your season progresses.
I love your blog and other posts I just looked through. Thanks for sharing!
Paula in Idaho
no way that is a dogwood! Covered with all those blooms it looks like a pear tree. WOW! All your blooms are lovely, and springy, have a blooming great week:)
so pretty! The weather has been just glorious! I know my jasmine is blooming all ready! We don't usually see blooms until March!
enjoy our warm weather. How was your visit with your family? Hope you had a good time.
You just have to enjoy spring when it comes, I guess! I really need to see some lovely spring blooms! Thanks! Jean
Love all those blooms, I'm jealous. Wanted to let you know that the red scales in my etsy picture is not for sale. My kitchen is red so that's where I have them displayed. Arn't they great, Hugs, Rosemarie
Wow! I enjoy you blog.. the photos and all those flowers!! I visit your blog on and off and I was scrolling your page up and down looking to subscribe myself as a reader but didn't find one.. (do you have one by the way??). Anyway, I saved yours as a Favorite (I already had one earlier) but this time, I drag it right towards the top!!.. near to those I frequent often.. besides those weekly spiritual reflections etc.
Keep the pictures and blogging going!! They are a feast and joy to the eyes, heart and soul!!
Angela KL
(sorry, I don't have a blog.. abit lazy to blog but visit lots of food blogs daily).
You are making me so homesick for California. Your flowers are so beautiful. Our bulbs are just starting to come out of the ground. Hopefully by March we'll have a few blooms. Mimi
Your flowers are, as always, so gorgeous.
Oh I love Dogwood trees, Ann! And those lemon daisies are sooo pretty!!
Well I must say, I am so glad I stopped by today to see all these lovely flower photos. I am such an avid gardener and it is the dead of winter here in MA. I guess you could say I am a bit jealous of your loveliness.
I did enjoy the few minutes of feeling like spring by stopping by. Thanks for the uplift!
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