I love my pink daisy bush too! A sure sign that spring is NEAR!

Everything is epoxy or screwed together to last years in your garden. I have even painted and sealed the wood staircase pole to with stand the outside elements too

I love the touch of the vintage brooch on the spoon's handle!
This can be used as a bird feeder, bird bath or just plain garden decor
Do you ever wonder how to easily clean your garden
bird feeders or ceramic bird baths?
Here is a tea cup bird feeder that is over 6 years old. I always leave it in the garden all year long. This is it at the start of this month, all dirty and crusty with water deposits, mud and dirt. Yuck!

I pour CLR into the cup and plate. You can actually watch it start to break up all the deposits. I leave it to clean about 5 minutes. No need to scrub, CLR will do it all.
Just take a hose and rinse it clean! Here it is 5 minutes later all clean and ready for its spring visitors!
To see more of my tea cup bird feeders and garden decor, please click here!
They are so cute! I have used CLR before on hard water stains and it didn't work, I am so amazed to see it work here! I really love the tea cups and the gravy boat is really cute too. Come say hi :D
so cute...and wonderful cleaning advice...
Love these tea cup feeders!!
Absolutely beautiful! i love the gravy boat and plate! i love the teacup and saucer too. i think I would love any of the one you have made! LOL
Ann, your cups are so pretty. I love to see what you do in your garden. Mine is an absolute mess after several freezes this winter, and I have got to shake a leg this weekend to get it spruced up. Thanks for these tips. I love them!
Sheila :-)
Those are fabulous! I never would have thought of that! Now I have an idea for what to do with some tea cups that I no longer display! Thanks for sharing!
Love, love the feeder. Now if I just had a garden to put one in, maybe this year. LOL. Great job.
Tea cup feeders..what a wonderful idea!!!
Anne, I had to take a peek back! OMGosh girl! I LOVE your pretty birdfeeders. You are so clever and came up with such a pretty, functional, and clever idea! I also like the CLR idea.
Ok, I'll be back for your Pink Saturday post!
Thank you for the CLR hint! I will try this and thank you many times in the future I am sure! Love your blog!
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