Today for Pink Saturday, Beverly over at How Sweet the Sound has asked us to post about our favorite Christmas Tradition.
Since I was first able to sit up in a high chair, I have sweet memories of every Christmas Eve my family all getting together at my Grandmother's house and having a delicious dinner of Spaghetti with Lobster and Clam Sauce, Fried Shrimp, Octopus and other yummy Italian dishes.
Here is a picture of me when I have just turned one, it was my first Christmas Eve dinner, the date is December 24th, 1951 and I am sitting in my high chair next to my Grandpa. My Grandmother is sitting closest to me, she is dishing out her Spaghetti from her favorite white bowl that she used every Christmas Eve. My Uncle Pete is kneeling down between me and my Grandmother, and my Mom and Dad is sitting on the other side with my big brother peeking out next to my Dad. My Aunt Ann and Uncle John is also in the picture.

I can still picture my Grandmother serving us her spaghetti every Christmas Eve out of that bowl till the year she died. After she passed away, my Mom carried on that Tradition using the same bowl every Christmas Eve with her delicious spaghetti with Lobster and Clam Sauce. And here is that bowl today, security displayed in my kitchen cabinet.

My Grandmother and Mother use to also cook along with their dinner fried shrimp. They use to serve it on a pretty platter with pink flowers around the edges. Here is that platter today, I display it on a shelf in my living room.

Christmas Eve was our family's favorite day of year until December 24th, 2004. That is the day my father passed away. We have just started our Christmas Eve Tradition dinner up again, this time it is at my house on Christmas Eve and there is only a few of us. I am looking forward to this Christmas Eve when my Mom and I will serve my Grandmother's delicious spaghetti recipe from that precious white bowl.
Merry Christmas to all my blogging friends!
Love, Ann
That is a beautiful tradition! I love December's Pink Saturdays. Enjoy the spaghetti and your family and have a very Merry Christmas. Grace
What a great tradition - I'm so glad you are starting it up again. My post this week is my mother's Lethal Sherry Trifle recipe (it has an awful lot of sherry in it) which we have had every single year since I was 15 (I'm 57) so that definitely counts as a tradition in our house, lol. She's been dead now for nearly 30 years, but I still think of her every time I make this, and toast her with the first spoonful.
Have a very Happy Pink Saturday!
Ann, this was such a sweet post, and I am glad that you will be reinstituting your tradition. But I believe that your sweet father is celebrating with you in spirit in Heaven! I like to think both of my parents are with us in spirit, too.
I loved the picture of your family from so many years ago. What a beautiful bunch!
Happy Pink Saturday to you and a Merry Christmas, too...
Sheila :-)
Beautiful cozy Christmas your mosaic shop!HPS Happy Holidays
Anne, thank you for sharing this sweet and touching tradition. I'm happy for you that you are starting the traditon over- but I am sure it is hard. I lost my precious father too, at Christams time. We need to honor those we love and build traditions for those who come after us. Traditions are like glue- connecting us all together.
When I first saw your picture, I was struck by what a handsome family you have! You should frame that picture and put it next to the bowl in the cupboard. Beautiful!
With Christmas blessings to you,
Hi Ann! Loved your story. Loved that you have a special bowl to serve your food in! I like that. I enjoyed your story of your precious family too!
We have lamb every year...and my hubby cooks it!
I am glad you have revived the traditions. You are lucky to have the bowl and platter. I love the old photo!
Happy Pink Saturday!
What a wonderful photo...and memories.
~ Gabriela ~
Merry Christmas to you and your family Anne.
I have a suggestion for you. You should write down the stories that go with those dishes and they should be kept together. Perhaps with some photographs. That way the history of the dish can follow it. You could even include the recipes.
I loved that...we are the same age! Why are Italians all so good looking? And ear so well but don't get fat? Anyway, thanks for sharing that...very special! Come say hi :D
Such sweet memories for you. So glad you started the tradition again. I am sure your Daddy is smiling down at you...and to serve out of your Grandmother's bowl...How Precious! Merry Christmas and Happy Pink Saturday!
Back Porch Blessings,
How awesome that you have the bowl and plate. What sweet memories you must have every time you use them!
My sister married an Italian man and I had never heard of the Christmas Eve tradition of spaghetti and seafood until then. Oh, yum!!
Happy holidays, Ann!! :-)
oh what a great tradition!.. lovely to have your love ones at one sitting and enjoy the food and good companion.. but best of all.. the using of grandma's dishes.. just lovely.. Merry Christmas Anne
Traditions and families are so very important. Even something as simple as a bowl can become a cherished treasure. Enjoy your renewing of the Christmas Eve celebration this year, Ann.
Oh Ann, what a wonderful story and I am so glad you are starting the tradition up again. Merry Christmas to you and yours. xo Lynn
Hi Sweet Ann!
I was so excited to see your comment! I just haven't had time to go around and visit like I used to, been busy working a seasonal job and sewing in my other spare time. but hopefully will be visiting more after the new year.
I LOVE this story and the bowl! What a great tradition to carry on. I have some treasures like that that are just priceless.
I also have my tiny tears doll that my big sister bought me in the 50's. We love the same things!
Merry Christmas Ann and the happiest of New Years!
Dear Anne, your Christmas tradition is so lovely. I loved the photo of your family together. The best part is the special bowl and platter and the tradition going on and on.
May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through!
Love, Jeanne
What a great photo of your lovely family, and the platter is SO pretty !! :) Merry Christmas and a Happy Belated Pink Saturday !!! :)
How wonderful that you got to keep those dishes. Priceless treasures. Love that pic of your family. The 50's were a great decade to grow up in. Have a wonderful Christmas. Mimi
Merry Christmas to you and your... ENJOY!
Ann, dropping back by to wish you a very Merry Christmas! :-)
Sheila :-)
OMG, what a wonderful Christmas Eve Tradition. I LOVED your photo and your descriptions of the people pictured in it AND the fabulous white special bowl that first belonged to your grandmother, then to your mom and to YOU! How lucky that you have the bowl and that lovely platter!
What a great story! L, Dana
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