Thursday, January 22, 2009

Show and Tell Friday - Yard Decorations

Today is Show and Tell Friday. I have missed the past 4 weeks because I have been on vacation. It's good to be back and Kelli at There's No Place Like Home is such a great hostess!

The weather has been warm here this past week. In the 80's. Today we are expecting rain but I won't hold my breath.
These are some yard decorations I bought in Guatemala on our cruise. I just love them because they will remind me of our tour of the Mayan ruins. They look great on my fence! They are large and very heavy. I also sprayed them with sealer so that they can last longer!
For more of Show and Tell Friday, please go visit Kelli's House at There's No Place Like Home!


Anonymous said...

What a nice reminder of your vacation.

Anonymous said...

These are very unique! I saw the Mayan ruins in Tulum, Mexico many moons ago.

Unknown said...

I too love to bring back items from my holidays that are decorative items for the home or garden. When I see them it reminds me of our holiday.

playsdolls said...

Oh I love your new yard decorations,they are awesome.

Ingrid said...

I love masks ! very nice garden decoration !

Kathy said...

Looks like a great vacation! Love your yard decorations.

Anonymous said...

My post too is about some trips souvenirs. The masks are just amazing!

Kym-Anne said...

Awesome masks and they look great on your fence. What a nice reminder of what must have been an amazing vacation.
Thanks for dropping by my blog,
have a great week.

Hootin Anni said...

They DO look super against the wood!! What a perfect place to have them hanging.

My show n tell is finally posted. It's not much this week, but it's something. LOL

SmilingSally said...

Are they carved wood? It's so nice to bring home things that carry memories.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ann, What a wonderful trip you took and we are glad you had a fabulous time and are home safe and sound. I laughed out loud at the souvenirs for your pets. So funny! Have a super great weekend. ~ Lynn

Kristen said...

Those are great. I like that you were able to put them outside.

Anonymous said...

What a great reminder of and wonderful trip... I always put sealers on too, good to know that I am not the only one, sometimes Hubby looks at me funny when I pull out my can of okay here she goes again...

Have a wonderful day!
Just A Gal...

Janet, said...

What unique decorations! I can't wait until we're 80 degrees again. Hope you enjoyed your vacation.

Belinda said...

What fun to have a reminder of your vacation in your garden! And a great idea to spray them with sealer so they stay looking beautiful for a long, long time! :-)

Linda Q said...

What great souvenirs of your trip!
Lucky you, I have always wanted to see the Mayan ruins since reading some books as a kid. Amazing trip it sounds like.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Nice reminders of your cruise, looks like you had a great time. I just love those little hats you bought for your pets!!


Cottage Rose said...

very tribal!
I am going to go and read about your cruise now

Linda C said...

Great treasures to bring back from your vacation! They look great outside:)

Linda C

Anonymous said...

The warmth sounds great! I am sitting by the fire now with it in the 30's and snow forecast for tomorrow.

Lisa Cobler said...

Those are wonderful keepsakes from your trip.

Mimi Sue said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time on your cruise. When we went to Mexico last fall we had the same problem with pan handlers. Everyone wanted money from us. Even if you took a picture of them they would say that's gonna cost you $5.00. It got really annoying. I would love to do the Panama Canal someday. Mimi

Neabear said...

Those look really great on your fence. Fun to have some kind of reminder of your wonderful trip!

Anonymous said...

Hello Annie, your masks look great as yard art. I too like the Mayan ruins. I saw the ones in Mexico. I have never been to Guatemala. Maybe one day.

Have a great weekend.


Carla said...

Aren't this cool! Smart reminders of a trip of a lifetime:)

Anonymous said...

How nice you got to go on a cruise! Happy Show & Tell Friday! said...

It's so nice to leave....but wonderful to get back home, isn't it? Very nice souvenirs. Memories...

Alpine Sanctum said...

It's much better to put your souvenirs where you will see them instead of hiding them away in a dusty drawer or closet!

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