Thursday, January 29, 2009

Show and Tell Friday - Vintage Valentine Planters

Today is another Show and Tell Friday hosted by Kelli at There's No Place Like Home

Last Valentine I started collecting these really cute Vintage Valentine Planters. They are from the 1950's and I have been finding them on ebay

I just love the way they look! They each have a planter in the back to put a plant or flowers in it. They are so 50ish looking!
Here's some close up shots of each one of them Their little faces are so sweet!
On the back of each one is a planter to put a plant into it! For more Show and Tell Fridays, don't forget to go visit Kelli's House!


Ingrid said...

Just too cute ! I have never seen such ceramics !

Cottage Rose said...

Gosh they are cute.

Kathy said...

Oh, they're darling, Anne! Are you going to display them for Valentine's Day?

Kathy said...

Sorry, Anne - I took another look at the picture because your planters are so cute and I see that you ARE displaying them. They look adorable!

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hi Ann! What a sweet collection! They look like Valentine cards of that era...our era! Cute planters!


Hootin Anni said...

Now THIS is just too great. I love each and every ONE of your vintage planters. And the photos are super clear and pretty.

Excellent show n tell. Mine's posted, I do hope you can stop by and visit with me sometime today. Happy Friday.

Kym-Anne said...

How adorable are they!!
They are so cute.
Have a great week.

Unknown said...

Those are adorable - great collection. You must get so thrilled every time you see a new listing for one on ebay.

A Hint of Home said...

They are so sweet! Of course I love the colors.

Anonymous said...

How cute the are, I have seen this type of planter before but never with the hearet.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Those are soo cute. What a wonderful collection for Valentine's day!

JudyBug said...

They are just adorable. They made such sweet faces on those little planters. You have a great collection!

Jean said...

These are adorable! Great Valentines Day decoration. Jean

SmilingSally said...

They are all adorable. I'm surprised that you have them empty. No pothos? Thanks for sharing. Happy Show and Tell Day!

Frazzled Mom said...

Oh... so adorable. I would have those out in a cute arrangement for Valentine's Day for sure.

Sugarplum Cottage said...

I've never seen these before. How sweet, gonna have to keep a look out for them. Hugs, Rosemarie

Belinda said...

Aren't these just the cutest planters ever?! I love them! The vintage planters and figurines are always so charming. This is an adorable collection! :-)

Alice said...

Tell you what, I've never seen a Valentine planter - not that I remember. I'll have to watch for them now. My favorite is the 4th one you showed. She's beautiful - so saucy looking - I love it! Thanks for a great post!

You are always welcome in The Shadow of the Cross. Feel free to visit anytime.

Karen Sherrill said...

I had dolls something like that as a mom still has them somewhere at her house ;o). Very cute!!!


Mimi Sue said...

Those planters are so cute. I don't think I've ever seen any like them. CUTE! Mimi

threesidesofcrazy said...

I love these. They remind me of my grandma's window sill.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

These are way cute! What a fun collecton!

Kelli said...

Oh, they are too cute! I love their sweet faces.

Neabear said...

Those are so pretty! Lovely! You have been lucky finding them.

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