For the past 3 weeks my husband and I have been on a wonderful cruise. We were on the ship Rotterdam. We started in Fort Launder dale, Florida and ended up in Los Angeles.
This is a old fort where they use to fight the Spaniards
I made the BIG mistake of taking this lady's picture. She actually chased me and followed me until I gave her money.
The pan handlers were horrible. About five of them at one time would get in your face. At one point I had to run to the bus to escape them. When I sat in my seat I looked out the side window and they had actually ran over to my window and continued to harass me through the window!
There was military guys with guns on every corner. They would stand guard for us in every building we would enter.
I can now say I have been to Columbia. Been there, done that......
The ship would go into a lock, they would close the gates behind them and fill it up with water
This is the above picture filled up with water. The ships keep going into these chambers until it reaches the level it should be. Its amazing!
You pass a lot of pretty building along the Panama Canal. Here is a picture of the Panama LDS Temple. I took this picture from my balcony in my Suite as we passed by.
This is a picture of Panama City off in the distance. Look at those huge tall buildings. The city was beautiful and is growing so much!
Our next stop was Costa Rica. What a beautiful country. The people were so friendly and they seemed so happy.
We took a Jungle Cruise down a river in a Mangrove. It was just like the Jungle Cruise at Disneyland except the animals were real and could eat you!
Here is a Crocodile sitting along the shore line just waiting for his next meal. They seemed to line the river's edge!

We arrived in Peten' and then we got on a bus and went to an area called Tikal where all the Mayan Temples and Pyramids are deep into the Rain Forest. It was so awesome!

This is all I will post today of my trip. I will save my other pictures for another time. I just loved our cruise, but there is no place like home...................
Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. So cool to see your pictures! I can't believe your experience with the panhandlers and that lady chasing you. My goodness!! I am glad you are home safe again.
How did you get that hat on the parrot? He's already moping you said. Watch. He might just fly away from home! lol
sounds like such an adventure! My nephew has also been to Costa Rica and raved about it as well.
I see the furbabies and bird are enjoying their souvenirs, lol! It's hard to see poverty and your experience with the panhandlers was just crazy! Aren't the mayan ruins just amazing?! I've visited the ruins in Mexico and it's just Awesome to see.
Again, I'm glad you are home safe and sound. Are you now unwinding or planning your next big get a way? lol!
I found you via Darlene's blog! I LOVE your blog, and will check back often. I adore the pics of your pets wearing the souvenirs you brought them! A stitch!
Hi Ann & welcome back! What an amazing cruise! Love the pictures and can't wait to see more. Did Buck get a hat to! LOL! xox
What an amazing trip!! Your pictures are fabulous!! Happy Day!
kari & kijsa
Welcome home we've missed you.
Buster looks so darn adorable with his little hat.
What an adventure for you and hubby.
Love Claudie
That sounds like a great trip--well, except for the gal chasing you down and the other great panhandlers! You find that weird stuff everywhere. We had that happen to us in Alaska in the parking lot of a supermarket!
I would love to see the Mayan ruins and go through the Panama Canal!
Congrats to Mimi, the winner of your giveaway!! Dana
Your trip looks like it was FABULOUS! I would have been scared to death though with the panhandlers and the lady chasing you for money...eeeeekkk! Also the military with guns....kind of scary. My uncle goes frequently to Costa Rica and says it is GORGEOUS! I LOVED seeing these pictures you shared with us.♥
What an amazing cruise! I love the souvenirs everyone got :-)
What a great cruise, thank you for sharing.
Wow, looks like you had a wonderful trip and I love the hats your brought back for "kids" too cute!
Columbia would have been scary, did you see any drug lords?
Love the ruins, could you feel anything spiritual there?
panhandlers are everywhere, it`s a sad existence for them but in some countries I have been too even the locals frown on them as they wish to beg instead of attempting to do a days work (for a dollar)
Makes you grateful for the life we do live.
Wheres Charlies hat????
I'm so glad you were able to go and have so much fun! Hopefully, hubby and I, can make this trip soon:)
Those are amazing photos. Thank you for sharing them with us. That must have been a wonderful vacation.
What a great trip you had.Its always fun to go somewhere but oh so happy to be home in your bed!. Your pictures are fabulous we also took a cruise are was last July. The LDS Temple looks so beautiful, the one in Oakland Ca is also beautiful when the lights are shining on it at night.
Enjoy your day,
I am glad you posted some of your trip. Thanks for sharing!
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