Today is Blooming Tuesday!
The weather today in Southern California was around 95 degrees, very unusual for the middle of November, the air is so smokey from the Firestorm devastation that hit our area the last few days, this morning we had two small earthquakes which was centered south east from me, one was 4.1 and the other was 3.8. What's next? The Locust?
Let's go out in the garden and see what's blooming today. I still have lots of color in my garden because of all the warm weather we are still having.
The Mum's are still blooming and are looking great!

My Geraniums bloom all year long
For more Blooming Tuesday posts please go visit Jean at Ms Green Thumb Jean's Blog!
Hi Anne, It is so wonderful to see all your beautiful blooms. Thanks for stopping by. I put a link in to other posts I did on the upside down tomatoes. And I will do another step by step post in spring. We had so much rain this year not many things did well. But I received the first tomato off the up side down plant. The leaves were better color and healthier. Less bug problems. But I will try diffrent types of tomato next year. To see which one like the container better. The grape tomatoes would be a good candidate. As they were prolific this year.
Have a great week.
Your geraniums are my favorite color among all the choices. Geraniums don't do well here in the summer, so about this time of year I always buy a few in that color to have around my patio. They last until about May.
Oh my goodness, your garden is still gorgeous. I would be hard pressed to pick favorites -- they are all beautiful. I'm sorry to hear about the fires. My husband works for a company in SoCal so I've heard about them a lot. Hope the air clears soon.
So... I'm thinking since it is still so beautiful in CA that we should give the easterners a break from all that snow and have Thanksgiving at your your house this year. How 'bout it?!? ;o)
Goegeous roses, Ann!
Your name should be "Mary, Mary" because your gardens grows and grows so prettily.
Your flowers are beautiful as always. Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful place you live in.
Your flowers are still beautiful. I hope the fires aren't close to you and man earthquakes too! No locusts!!!!
Good Morning Anne! such pretty flowers. Those pink roses...what kind are they? They are just so cute and there looks like there'd be a lot, kind of like a bushy look?
I don't want to think about what could be "next". At least the fires are under control/out and the weather is supposed to be a bit cooler today...by about 5 degrees. I've always looked forward to November because of the cooler temps...sigh*
Beautiful, Annie! I envy you... still enjoying your beautiful roses.... we are in the 50's here and 30's at night... yuck! and is not even winter yet! Guess I will continue dreaming of living in a beautiful place with warmer weather and roses all year around... ;)
Have a lovely day
Hi Anne,your flowers are so beautiful,I especially love the roses.Hope the fires end soon.It was a treat to walk through your garden.
Hi Anne!
So glad you dropped by my blog today and entered my giveaway...good luck!!
Your flowers are stunning! It's cold and windy here in Georgia...around 45 degrees. I'd give anything to have some of that warm California weather!
Please feel free to drop back by anytime. Have a super day!!
Anne, All your blooms are still beautiful! I'm glad we'll still have some sunshine on Bloomin' Tuesday! I guess I'll take my snow over fires and earthquakes! Jean
Your pictures are great! Everything here is drab now.
Bless your heart. I hope you stay safe from the fires and the earthquakes. My duaghter, who is in the Navy, is stationed in Monterey. So I always worry about fires and earthquakes now. Love your pretty blooms. blessings, Kathleen
You still have pretty flowers coming out. I am so jealous!
Ann, stay safe! Did the fires come near you?
Your roses are still looking beautiful, along with the rest of your blooms.
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