Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pink Saturday

I love this time of the year. My garden is so alive with so many beautiful colors of roses. For Pink Saturday, I first when out in the garden and picked a bouquet of Pink roses.

This rose is called Betty Boop. It is a beautiful color pink with dark pink edges. Here is the bush after I picked my bouquet of roses! There are so many beautiful blooms!

Here is a close up of a cluster of the roses on the bush. I love the two tone colors!

Now its off to my craft room to make some more pink mosaic stepping stones for my garden!

And Tea cup Bird feeders for my etsy store!

For more Pink Saturday posts, please click here and go visit Ms Beverly at How Sweet the Sound!


Charlotte said...

Beautiful roses! You have such a beautiful garden! Happy Pink Saturday!

My name is Riet said...

Beautiful roses and such a lovely colour pink,.
Happy pink saturday

Deb said...

They are so very beautiful! I love seeing your gardens.

Anonymous said...

I have a Betty Boop in my yard too, and I just love it! Happy Pink...Marcia

dana said...

Happy Pink Saturday! Your garden must be the most wonderful place...I still recall your "flower bed" from an earlier post. However, I am very jealous of your magnificent Betty Boop roses! Does that bush bloom all summer? Your stepping stone and bird feeder tea cup are wonderful!! Thanks for sharing your mosaic and gardening skills! L, Dana

Gabriela said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Love your two colour roses!

~ Gabriela ~

Maggie said...

Oh you have such beautiful roses!!! those are stunning! I love the blending of the colors- the petals like like they've been painted with a brush!

Happy Pink Saturday!

In Shoes We Trust,
"Do these shoes match this purse?"

Ann said...

Your teacup birdfeeder is so cute. The roses are certainly beautiful.

Unknown said...

I love your teacup bird feeders. You better stock up your shop, because I have a feeling when everyone sees your photo in Artful Blogging, they will be browsing your shop.

Congratulations on being selected. Your photo is lovely.


Fabulously French said...

What stunning roses.

Happy Pink Saturday,

Leeann x

LV said...

I enjoy my flowers and truly enjoyed yours for today. This is such a lovely time of the year.

Sue@MyArtsDesire said...

Oh! I ADORE that mosaic stepping stone...can you really walk on it?! What a delightful post!

Julie Harward said...

They are so pretty! I Love the tea cup bird feeder...have fun today :D

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

I want to do some things in my yard.It will be a first. never had time before. You have a talent, Happy P.S. Laura Q

Charo said...

So beautiful flowers.

Happy Pink Saturday!!!


Carey said...

Such lovely flowers. Love the bird feeders also. I noticed the picture of your house on your blog. It is so beautiful. I have to stop by your Etsy shop soon.

Unknown said...

OMG those roses are gorgeous! If I lived closer I would have to pick some for my table. Absolutely gorgeous display of blooms! Blessings to you and have a great weekend. Meg

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a delightful post! Love those tea cup bird feeders!1

Mimi Sue said...

Those roses are gorgeous! What do you feed them? Mimi

Deb said...

Chandramouli S said...

The Bush looks as if you haven't picked any! Wonderful colors - so perfect for Pink Saturday. I love the Tea cup feeder - looks sweet.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Anne,

Those roses are divine! They are very unique and the depth and range of color is breathtaking.

I really like your teacup bird feeders..very cute!

Congrats on making it into the PiNk Saturday article!! ♥

I've got to mail order my local bookstore carries all of the stampington but NOT that one.

Have a lovely day...
Stephanie ♥

Bernideen said...

All in bloom already! How lovely!

Anonymous said...

Love the roses and like the fact that it has a darker edge to it. They sure bloom generously.

You teacup birdfeeder gives your garden a touch of whimsy. Lucky birds! :-)

Belated Happy PS!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

How beautiful, I'm lovin' your Betty Boops and all your other sweet pinks!

Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful week!!!

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