My husband called me later laughing and told me to go see what I caught in my trap today
Mr. Squirrel that was a bad move. Are you the one that has been eating all my tomatoes and vegetables in the garden?
I think Buck the Rottweiler and Buster recognizes you too as the one that has been teasing them.....
For some reason, Mr. Squirrel would not come out of the cage. Then, all hell broke loose. I had to call my husband for help. You see, Buck decided if Mr. Squirrel is not coming out, he was going in..... (I don't think the directions said a 125 lb animal could fit in there)Poor Mr. Squirrel, we don't think he made it, then with all the drama of getting Buck out of the cage, we couldn't find Mr. Squirrel anywhere. We searched high and low and then we noticed Buster was missing in action too. We finally found Buster.......BAD BOY!
Maybe tomorrow I will catch the Bobcat.....
Oh NO...poor squirrel....lol. That is kind of scary having a bobcat around. I do hope you trap it and can get rid of it.
I received my tags and I LOVE all of them. You are too sweet to send all of those extras!!! I'll let you know when I post about them.♥
First time visit. We have a similar situation...only our varmit is raccoons.We feed the 'birds' (really the squirrels.
Drop by my blog.
Thanks for sharing
good luck!
YIKES! Poor squirrel. I hope you get what you're really hunting for! Mimi
Oh poor little squirrel!
I hope sometime soon you are able to catch that mischievous bobcat. They are also being spotted down here as the water and food supply are getting pretty scarce. Lots of bears have been coming down the mountain too but thankfully not into my neighborhood. They're further west
That squirrel's not eating any more of your garden!
Oh my goodness. I think it would be very scary to walk out and see the bobcat in there too!
LOL! Too funny! Loved the picture of Buster with the squirrel.
poor squirrel...hope you catch the bobcat...we saw one when we were out riding on my hubbies motorcycle...couldn't get my camera out fast enough...
Such excitement at your place. We were at my parents last night after I had my MRI. Mom was telling me that the other day the dogs were barking up a storm. She had to go out and see what they were so excited about. Turns out they were barking at a hot air balloon. She brought them into the house so they would stop making so much noise. Later she let them out and the first thing they did was look up to look for the hot air balloon. Of course it had moved on by then. Silly dogs!
This definitely was not a good day :) . I had a close encounter with a bobcat once while camping near Arches Natl. Park in Utah. We both sort of sized each other up, and fortunately, he walked away! Hope you get your man, er, cat!
Oh girlfriend, that is the funniest thing I have seen in a while, you might be better off leaving catching bobcat's to the experts....It was sad about the squirrel, but Buster looked mighty proud of himself...can you imagine being that little squirrel, all he wanted was a free fish dinner, and here comes that big old dog...poor little thing probably had a heart attack...grin!!!!!
found my way here form how sweet the sound was going to comment on your pink but this post did make me laugh living in the uk we have a lot of grey suirels but don't have a lot of bobcats!!!! hope you get him soon
I don't mean to laugh at the squirrel's expense, but the sight of your big child in there was funny!!! I was catching raccoons that were eating everything in the yard and relocating them. Except one day we caught a skunk! Let me tell you that was fun, but he managed to excape on his own. I never figured out that one. Good luck with your adventure...
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