My Backyard is a Certified Backyard Habitat for wild birds. Habitat restoration is vital for wild birds and other wildlife due to our commercial and residential infringement on their natural areas. I am not a wildlife nut, I just enjoy watching the wildlife and letting my Grandchildren enjoy it, so creating your yard into a desirable area, the wildlife will come no matter what size your back yard is!

To turn your backyard into your own wildlife habitat is easy. All you need is to provide the 4 basic elements: Food, Water, Shelter and places to raise their young.

Consider shrubs and trees that produce seeds, fruits and nuts throughout the year. Provide nectar producing plants for hummingbirds and butterflies. Supplemental feeders should also be offered with seed, duet or nectar. I like doing this to keep them from eating my fruit off my trees!
Water is a very important part of your backyard habitat. You need to offer several sources of water. I have several pedestal bird baths that are automatically filled up with a drip system. Even a shallow water dish placed at ground level is good or a small pond. These same water sources will offer an aquatic habitat for dragonflies, frogs and other aquatic life too.
Providing shelter will create your backyard into a place where they will not only visit but want to live. Wild birds want to feel safe, so provide safe havens from predators.
You also need to provide places to raise their young. You need to put out functional nesting boxes. Putting out butterfly and ladybug hibernation boxes will also encourage these beneficial insects to stay in your yard.
Right now my yard is so busy with birds singing and sitting on their eggs in their nests.
It is so enjoyable. But of course, you also have the stupid birds, with all the birdhouses and nesting boxes and areas you provide, they still pick the most stupid place to put a the wreath on your front door!
Oh don't you just love when you find a nest with eggs in there? We also have had birds making new families in our back yard. We have had hummingbirds and ducks lay eggs and hatch as well as sparrows. It's so fun to watch nature.
I love all your bird houses. I never saw a butterfly house before. I'll have to get one of those.
You have alot of really cute bird houses. It is fun especially in the spring!
Hi Ann
What a wonderful thing you are doing, providing a safe haven for the birds!
I love all your bird houses.
Sorry that turtle pic was so graphic LOL hope it didn`t shock you. Looking forward to Charlies pic!
Have you come across your snake yet, be careful!
talk soon
We have alot in common when it comes to protecting the environment for our wildlife. We have dozens of birdhouses, a 90' row of arborvitae, 5 birdbaths, and many feeders. We plant specific wildflowers for the butterflies and we even have a bat house. We have a tiny man-made pond where tree frogs live and breed. We have toads and always hope to run into snakes. They are great in the garden.....
I love birdhouses too, Ann! I love all of yours, but my favorite is the "carrier pigeon" one! It is adorable!
Loved your birdhouses, but of course I would, I too am a birdhouse builder!
The eggs in the nest are a beautiful reminder of the Lord!
Donna Lynn
Hi Ann!
What great birdhouses! I love them too and love watching the process of how the mommy takes care of the young and then gets them to leave the nest. Nature is so beautiful! Great photos Ann!
Hugs, Sherry
Hi your blog is amazing your home and garden is just beautiful.I will be coming by often to visit.
Best Wishes
I'm just drooling over your bird houses!!!! I just love it when a bird chooses my place as a home for it's young! My titmice just hatched out, and we have flycatchers very busy feeding their young right now!
Be sure to stop by my blog and sign up for my giveaway drawing!!!!
I echo what the others have have some very nice bird houses...we've been trying to attract birds and butterflies to our yard with flowers, trees and water...
I wanted to let you know, I got the hollyhock sees from the Burpree catalog...couldn't find them anywhere in California. They should do well for you, the kind we have bloom the second year.
Thanks for visiting again!
Hey there!
Hope you had a wonderful day today! We got rain all day, but with our recent hot weather I was happy to have God water my garden!
Donna Lynn
Hi! Just finally got caught up to read posts and I just love your birdhouses! I also love your garden photos! So welcoming and inspiring! Every thing is just lovely!blessings, Kathleen
I haven't been to your blog for awhile. Just look what I've missed out on. You are a lady after my own heart. We love the birds. Our backyard was designed for the birds. It's not mature yet. Our yard and trees are only 4 years old. But, we do have many birds. We have done everything we can to bring them to our yard. I love your bird houses. I'm in birdhouse envy!!! Terrie
I love birdhouses too! Ihave them in my kitchen, outside, in my craft room - wherever Ican put one! lol. Yours are beautiful!!
I've just begun my journey in making our outdoor rooms friendly to wildlife. I just love what you've done to make that happen in your little corner of the world. Lovely!
I love birdhouses too! I have been collecting them to display on my porch!
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