Come sit in my garden and enjoy all the flowers around you......
long season of blooms has flowers that stand tall from spring
to late summer. Great for cut flowers too! Divide plants on
a regular basis. Will keep coming back year and after! Don't
forget to cut off dead flowers to promote more blooms!
a salmon color. Grows best in part sun with plenty of water!
Also can be grown in shade with lots of light. Makes great
cute flowers too!
Calendula - Vibrant daisies in yellows and oranges. Grows
best in part sun. Multiplies every year!
plant, water frequently, grows best in part sun.
has huge 3" purple flowers. Blooms spring through end of
summer. Attracts lots of butterflies!
very hardy, almost maintenance free!
eating and the other one I let the artichoke go into bloom. It
makes the most beautiful huge purple flower! Just spectacular!
I will post a picture when it blooms!

Red Rose called "Showbiz". It is so beautiful. Deep red roses
cover the bush! I have 9 of these roses in my yard, 8 in a rose tree
lining one of my walkways and one in a bush by the Koi pond.
lovely flowers!
Tacoma flowers
Hi Anne!
What beautiful flowers! The artichokes are amazing!
Hugs, Sherry
Hi Ann
I`ll email you tomorrow.
Gorgeous flowers, especially the red roses. Does Charlie like the artichokes?
Very pretty flowers! I love artichokes in salads, yum.
Beautiful pictures, Ann! The colors in those flowers are just gorgeous. Do you ever pick any to put in a vase, or do you leave them outside?
I love your little sign, too.
I just love visiting your blog..it is all so so pretty! That vintage hanky valance is perfect!! I did one years ago with embroidered vintage potholders..I like your idea much better. I set the picture of your flower "bed" as my background on my computer so I can look at it all day..just adorable!
I hope you are having a great week!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your blog and will put you down on my list of favorites so I can stop by all the time.
Artichokes! You are so lucky. I would eat them everyday if I were you. I love them.
Girl you are living in a dream. A beautiful home, 8 kids, dogs, cat and a bird. This all along with a great husband! Wow! You are really blessed.
Love your green eyed cat picture.
BTW how lovely you made a button frame with buttons that all mean so much. That is a great idea.
See you soon,
Hi Ann,
Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I have enjoyed reading through your past posts. It is nice to meet another mosaic artist. Your flowers are beautiful. Hope you visit me again.
Your flowers are beautiful. I will have to wait another month or so for our perrenials to be out in full splendor!....the downside to such a short growing season! Thanks for sharing. Will you eat those artichokes?
Hi Anne,
Your garden is gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing it. I'm an apartment dweller who gardens in pots, so I adore visiting my blogging friends "real" gardens. I see you're Italian. My precious daughter-in-love is full blooded Italian too, the daughter I always wanted. xoxo
What beautiful pictures!!! Thank you for sharing them with us!!! :)
Wow Miss Annie Fannie!
Boy was that a fun tour of your gardens, it is such fun to see what other people all over the country have blooming right now! Our shasta daisys don't bloom for another month...they grow like weeds here and I had to banish them to the outer realms of the garden, I then turn me back and let them mis-behave...
Love the pictures of your animals, the glowing green eyes on your black cat is great! :)
Donna Lynn
"Come sit with me by the garden gate.
Let's chat a spell.
My work can wait."
"Come visit my garden.
Take all the thyme you need!"
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