I haven't posted on my blog or visited anyone for 3 weeks! I have been so sick with Bronchitis.
I was feeling a lot better today so I took a stroll out in my garden with my camera.
This post is why I live in Southern California and will never move.
First thing I did was pick a beautiful bouquet of PINK flowers for my kitchen. Where else in the US can you pick flowers in your garden in February? I have these flowers growing and multiplying like weeds in my garden. Because I have so many of them, I have fresh flowers every month of the year.

Here are some of those flowers in the garden. I have them growing in dark pink, light pink and lavender. I saw some at a nursery in yellow and I am going to get me a few plants next time.

Every winter this bush gets covered with red berries!

I love these flowers. They are called ice plant and in the spring time they are a carpet of flowers! I hope they keep their blooms till spring. They seem to be blooming very early this year.

Spring has come a little early here at the Green Acres. Some of my spring bulb plants have also bloomed!

My Christmas Poinsettias are still going strong!

All my daisy bushes are in bloom. I have them in pink, white, lavender and yellow.

See that shadow in this picture behind my huge daisy bush?
That is our 30 foot windmill!
A beautiful post.It has been so cold here in the South. Sleeted last night. The flowers are beautiful and make me think that Spring will come!
Have a great day!
Now that you're feeling better, I hope you completely recover quickly. Certainly a walk in your garden would help anyone get a pick me up. I love your gardens -- they are magnificent. Geraniums the first of February -- my dream. Thanks for showing us a bit of spring!
It is so wonderful to see flowers even if they are in a garden way down in California. Thanks so much for sharing. The alstroemeria is a flower only found in a bouguet of cut flowers here.
It is wonderful to be able to enjoy your flowers on a cold winter day. Lucky girl. I love geraniums too and have some growing from seed right now for this summer. Your daisies are so amazing.
Such beauty, Anne! I can certainly understand why you love living on an acreage in southern California! I really enjoyed your post even though it did make me a tad envious.
Blessings, Beth
Jealous, jealous, jealous here...We have the Alstroemeria, Peruvian Lily growing around our town too...they are widely used by florists. Are your Daisies,Pyrethrum-Painted Daises? All are beautiful here....I am so glad you felt like strolling through your gardens and still had enough energy to rub it in! lol
Oh, this is lovely, Ann. GORGEOUS flowers one and all.
Now, to answer...
"Where else in the US can you pick flowers in your garden in February?"
California AND Florida. ;-)
We have them blooming, too. Only not as prolifically right now. I have pansies and some other types in bloom and camelias. But I think you have me beat in terms of abundance. I have my flowers grouped in a picture at the bottom of my current blog post so I could join in on Pink Saturday. LOL!
I'm so sorry you're sick, Ann. I was sick for a month with a respiratory infection, and bronchitis like you have is just pure torment. Please know I'm thinking of you. I hope you get to feeling much better soon. Sending sunny, warm thoughts your way for a Happy Pink Saturday...
Sheila :-)
Oh girl I'm lookin' out my window packed down in snow and ice here and I see hope for spring right here. Thank you.... I need a little color in my life right now!!!
I'm gettin' a little tired of dead brown, white ground and sub~zero temps!!!
God bless ya and have a fantastic weekend sweetie...go pluck a beauty for me!!!
Am stranded here in Minneapolis and plan on going absolutely CRAZY the first day I can step outside without several pounds of protective clothing.
Flowers?! I'll settle for buds on the trees!!
So lucky to have such lovely flowers all year round. Beautiful.
How beautiful is your garden! You are blessed to live in such a beautiful area of the country! We used to live in NorCAl...just returned from a beautiful trip there! Love all your bloomers!
Miss Bloomers
Beautiful, beautiful flowers. You are so lucky. The only thing in my yard is snow and ice.
Hi Anne,
Thanks for visiting my blog :) :) I love visitors. How did you find me? I"ll come back later and visit ;) :) I also noticed you're a Mary Jane Farmgirl..so am I..I'm fargirl sister member #2176 :) :) :) Isn't it the best? Have a great weekend. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Thanks so much for visiting my blog ,and for commenting on the weather here ,it is too hot ,I see your from Southern California so you know what I mean ,1 or 2 days but for almots 2 weeks solid ,enough already.Its actually 104 as I speak right now and is expected to peak at about 110, oh well so long as the electricity stays on we will be fine I am your newest follower!
look at all those fabulous flowers blooming..how lucky..thx for sharing all the color...need that in this winter white world
I'm bundled up in wool, freezing my butt off, enjoying your lovely flower gardens. Makes me wish for spring to hurry up and make an appearance. Very nice post.
Thank you for the treat of all the beautiful flowers... Love gardening? I do too! That windmill is awesome!
Your Newest Follower
Tranquil Acres of Alexandria
Hello there. Thanks for visiting me and my post about dishes. It's nice to meet new people. I love your flowers! Some of my favorites that I will see in - oh maybe July!! I have a bouquet of Alstromeria (like your bouquet) in white that I purchased at the grocer's 2 weeks ago. They really look so nice and last a long time. Have a blessed weekend!
Your garden is wonderful! I can't believe you have all those flowers blooming in February. Hope you're feeling better....I know I would if I could bring in a beautiful bouquet of flowers from the garden in the middle of Feb.
How wonderful it must be to live where you have such beauty in the winter. I would love it. Your flowers are so pretty. Nice seeing them as opposed to snow.
Hi Ann! So good to see you. Your garden is truly amazing. You have all those blooming flowers and I was excited today to run outside and find that my hyacinths are just poking out of the ground. :) Those flowers in your first picture are the ones I buy at the grocery store. They last a long time. And you have daffodils blooming. I didn't know they grew in warm climates. I thought the bulbs needed a cold period in order to bloom. I am sorry you have been sick but so glad you are feeling better now. xoxo HPS
Wow! You are truly blessed with an abundance of beautiful flowers! Makes me long for spring. I'm your newest follower and would be delighted to have you follow me back!
Happy PS!
What beautiful flowers! Your blog always lifts my spirits! I would love to live in an area that stayed warm all year! Glad you are feeling better.
Happy Pink Saturday Sweetie...
Oh I am so sorry you have been sick, but happy to hear that you are back in the PINK again. Bronchitis can be SO serious. I know from experience.
I love your bouquet today and how beautiful are all of your garden flowers. The colors just make you so happy to wonder about don't they?
My pots are all sitting in the garage. Here in Phoenix, we have had 3 nights of 20 degree temps and days not above 50. It has been cold, and I have been asking who didn't pay the heating bill, to turn it back on. I am not one to like the cold either. My plants want to go out and play. I am hoping we start warming up tomorrow. I can't wait.
Oh and I love your windmill. When we moved here to Phoenix, from Oklahoma, I brought my little 8 feet windmill with me. It gives me a piece of Oklahoma living here.
Again sweet friend, take care of yourself. Stay healthy, sit out there and soak up a little of that sunshine. It will make you feel great.
Have a wonderful weekend. Many hugs sweetie and SO much love, Sherry
beautiful ...hope your feeling better...
We are all so jealous! When I lived in California I took the great weather for granted. Your flowers are beautiful. Mimi
Lovely colour and your daisy bush is amazing!!!!
Happy Pink Saturday, dear Ann. I am so glad you are feeling better. I've missed you.
Goodness, your blooms are stunning. But, you must know I love everything about your gorgeous garden.
I'm so sorry that you've been sick.
You ask where else can you pick flowers in February... um, Florida!
Have a nice week, Ann, and stay well.
that's it! I'm jealous! you get to have all that color...and all I see is white!!! WHITE!!!!
thanks for linking in today...it is nice to be reminded that my snow filled gardens will soon be colorful again!!!
Oh how beautiful. We have had so much snow that I had forgotten how lovely a summer garden looks. Your February garden is gorgeous.
Bless your heart Miss Ann... I've missed you and wondered if you were okay, and now you tell me you've been sick! I feel awful for not checking in on you! I hope you're over your bronchitis now, that is some baaad stuff.
Your flowers are so beautiful... I especially love the daisies!
Your flowers are amazing! Can't wait until we see those kind of colors here - your's give me hope for another spirng! Paula in Idaho
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