It seems like I have been invited lately to so many baby showers. I think gift presentation is so much fun. I was looking around Etsy one day and I came across the cutest store, I love Patty Cakes. Patty makes the cutest baby shower items and I just fell in love with her washcloth lollipops!

Look how adorable these baby washcloth lollipops are!
They are two wash cloths rolled up to look like a sucker then a plastic baby spoon or fork is added as the stick!

I couldn't resist a great deal , so I bought one in every color because she offers buy 4 get one free!

Then because I made a purchase during a certain time period, I was entered in a drawing. To my surprise I won and today I received the box and I couldn't believe how cute these are! It is a bakery box with onesie, bibs and washcloth cupcakes. Look how adorable they are!

A hand made strawberry tops every cupcake!

However, I have to confess, nothing can top waking up in the morning and finding this in your kitchen sink!

How creative is this? Love it!!
Ann, is that one of your babies?
I love this idea of making a washcloth cute. It'd be a neat topping on the package instead of a traditional bow.
Congratulations on your win.
What an awesome product, and the marketing is so clever. Congratulations on the win!
That is a cutie in your sink. I agree that grandchildren are the best.
Happy Pink Saturday, dear Ann.
Hi Ann! Oh, I want one of those in my sink! What a little darling! Love seeing all of the lovely yummy photos!
I'm so sorry about your broken foot. Hope you're doing better. I know the little sink ornament helped a lot!
Thanks for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
What a great creative find! Happy Weekend!
I just checked out her Etsy shop and she is so creative. I love originality in a person and she has originality down to an art form -- plus her prices are reasonable! Such a great find. Thanks for sharing!
Awwwww, it's all just precious. Especially that dirty little thang ya left in your sink! What a doll!!!
We have yet another granddaughter birthday party to go to tomorrow. It's a full time job with eight but what a blast!!!
God bless ya'll, gotta run...we're workin' the cattle herd today!!!
Loved the baby shower gifts. Luckily I'm past those invites but I'll wash what you have in your sink any day. Such a cutie.
What a happy, wonderful post! Just loved the "lollipops", terrific idea!
Anne, this is the cutest thing I have ever seen, except for your sweetie in the kitchen sink. Congratulations for winning even more adorable baby things. The creative ideas are awesome.
Have a great week.
Hugs, Jeanne
Those lollipops are adorable! And lucky you, a baby in your sink and a box full of goodies. Your roses are gorgeous and your grandkids darling. Mimi
These are the cutest them! And such a cute baby in the bath too :D
how sweet, lovely photos. I remember my sister baby shower. It was a memorable liked this.
Mickey Buarao
What a lovely pink post - thanks so much for sharing all of this with us. Happy Pink Saturday!
adorable..I wish I would have seen these before the 2 baby showers I gave...
Your Halloween pumpkins are so cute and I love the arrangement from Michaels...gorgeous!
Happy Saturday!
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