Measure the girl's waist and cut the piece of elastic to fit. Start cutting out the Tulle strips, depending on the size of the girl. Cut them between 24"-30" long. For the one shown in the picture I cut out 33 of them 24" long. I also cut out a total of 18 strips of ribbon the same size. 6 of each color. Fold them in half and start hand tying them onto the elastic. See the pictures below.
Continue tying them onto the elastic until it's completely filled. Use a needle and thread and blind stitch closure on the elastic.This project will take approximately 30 minutes from start to finish. You can also use two different colors of tulle, add rhinestones, make them plain without ribbon, etc. A quick and easy costume for your little pink princess!
Be sure to go visit Ms Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for more Pink Saturday posts!
Anne Fannie
Adorable, and I know the girls will love them!
so cute....my daughter teaches dance...my come in handy...
Just 30 minutes?! I definitely need to make this for my grandbaby! Happy Pink Saturday! suzie
That is tu tu adorable!
Have a beautiful & safe holiday weekend.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Oh honey, I can't tell ya how much my two youngest granddaughters love these. They like to throw on the tutu's and some fairy wings, grab a magical wand and look out baby! Yours is just beautiful, and their so easy to make.
God bless ya'll and have the 'best' Labor Day weekend!!!
Ann, that tutu is just adorable, gosh I wish I had a little granddaughter I could make that for!
Thanks also for your kind words..they are much appreciated..
Have a wonderful week, hugs
That is so cute...my little grands have been wearing these for their pictures..did you see our new baby Sophia in hers? Thanks for the tutorial here..just great! :D
Too cute!!
Thank you for sharing your lovely pictures and a tutorial. Have a great, pink weekend!
That is absolutely adorable!!!!!!
I'll have to remember this-I may need one for me-thanks for sharing it!
You are the MOST creative person! This is an amazing idea.
Hi Ann! Oh, this is darling! I can't believe how easy it sounds! Now I've just had my first little granddaughter - she's 5 months old - and I'll have to make her one of these! Thanks for the instructions.
Thanks for popping in to see me and have a great weekend.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
How cute! Happy Pink Saturday!!
So prettt and so popular right now. TY
How sweet! I've got two little nieces that I think would love one of these!
Happy PS!
Happy Belated Pink Day. That is so cute. What a great idea. I wish I had a young granddaughter to make one for. I might have to adopt one. Hmmm.
How adorable! My little grandgirls are gonna love this. I'd like to come to your super saturday. What else are you making? Mimi
PS Your tututorial was great! (sorry) Mimi
What a great idea! I know of two little girls who would love one of these sweet pink tutu's.
They look like such fun to make.
Have a sweet day, Hugs~Elizabeth
Oh, Ann- that is so adorable! It looks like it would take a lot more time to make than 30 minutes!
By the way- I did get the comment you left a while back on the bees- are they still in the house? I hope you can save them, because honey bees are a precious (and endangered) little creatures these days!
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October 5, 2010 4:20 AM
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