Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pink Saturday - Pink Vintage Planters

Today is Pink Saturday again. I haven't posted anything all week long since the last Pink Saturday.

I have been busy all week looking for Charlie the Turtle. Someone (now I am not pointing any fingers) left our gate open and he went out and got lost. I have been spending hours everyday looking for him and I am so happy to say I found him today at the Animal Shelter! Now I can get back to regular life!

Today for Pink Saturday I am going to post pictures of some really cute Pink Vintage Planters. I love collecting them and I find them on Ebay. They are so much better priced on Ebay then in a Antique Store.

Look at these pretty Pink ladies!

For more Pink Saturday posts, please click here and go visit our hostess, Ms Beverly, at How Sweet the Sound Blog!


Sue@MyArtsDesire said...

These are beautiful! The vintage planters all have such an elegance about them that the modern versions just can't compete with, in my book, anyway!

Do you display them all together?

Love your pretties today!

Mollye said...

Hi Anne, I am glad you found Charlie and I know he is too! Love all the planters but truly adore the head planter. Thanks for a lot of beauties to gaze upon. Hugs, Mollye

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Anne! I'm so glad you found your turtle! Someone actually took him to the animal shelter? That's amazing! :-)

Such pretty planters you have there. They harken back to a sweeter time, don't they?

Hope you're having a Happy Pink Saturday!


Sheila :-)

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

What a fabulous collection of planters! The new ones can't compare with the old ones....just like cards. Vintage is best!

Julie Harward said...

I am so glad you found your turtle..that is such a worry, I know.\I love your pink ladies, every one a sweet piece of beauty! I saw one similar to the Head piece..$125.00! Thanks for sharing cute things..come say hi :D

peggy gatto said...

Lovely collection!!! Even better is that you found your turtle!!!
Happy PS

CC said...

Oooooo, what gorgeous planters. I think I love the head planter best..but they're all so pretty. Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful week.

Charo said...

I love your vintage planters. Lovely collection.
Happy Pink Saturday!!!

Rebecca said...

What pretty ladies indeed! Love your planters. Happy Pink Saturday!

Back Porch Blessings,

SmilingSally said...

Anne, You've got to tell Charlie to stay put! Happy Pink Saturday!

Grace said...

oh my goodness these are so pretty! The head planter is my favorite but they are all too cute! Happy Pink Saturday Grace

Ana said...

Hi Anne,
I am so glad you found your Charlie. Pets become such a big part of our families that I can imagine how tough it must have been for you this past week. But his home at last. Happy day. Anyway, just wanted to say that your pink planter collection is very pretty. Thanks for sharing. Have a great evening.


Char said...

Even tho your post today is gorgeous with some very pretty things, I would have loved to see a picture of Charlie the turtle. Happy Pink Saturday and so happy the lost is now the found, Char

♥Mimi♥ said...

Lovely Pink Saturday post and sweet blog, too. Woke up to a dusting of snow on the ground so even thought this isn't Saturday I really needed a boost! Today you made me smile...

Sorry, I didn't get to see everyone yesterday. I had important business. My 11 year-old grandson was playing football and he wanted Mimi to go to the out-of-town-last-of-the-season-game. THEY WON AGAINST AN UNDEFEATED TEAM! WOO-HOO! 35 - 17☺

Hope the coming week blesses you with sunshine, happiness and good friends.

jeanne said...

Hello Anne, it has bee too long since I visited your sweet blog. I am so glad you found your turtle. Once our gate was left open by a worker and we never saw our dog again. That was years ago and I still am sad when I think about it. Our dog was 18 years old and probably didn't survive for long. We were going to have to put her down the very next week. Maybe it was better this way. sigh.

On a much happier note, I love your planters so pretty in pink. A fun thing to collect.

Now back to your previous post.

Hugs, Jeanne

claudie said...

I came for Blue Monday, but Mary your PS post caught my eye... I love them all. So pretty.
Love Claudie

Beverly said...

I love every single one. They are beautiful.

Happy Pink Saturday.

Mammabellarte Rita Reade said...

Buongiorno! I love your planters. If you are in the Santa Ana area this Saturday I will be at Glitterfest and you may enjoy what I did with some figurines, I can't say more until the show. Ciao Rita mammabellarte

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