Today is Show and Tell Friday so I thought I would post a picture of something we are having built on our property. We are very excited about it because it has been 3 years of dealing with the city through all their red tape and finally we got the okay to start building.
This is our Museum that we are having built in our yard. It's around 12,000 square feet and it will house my husband's Vintage Car Collection and some of our collections of Vintage Gas Station items, my Vintage Barbie Collection etc. The building is huge, 24 feet tall with a overall size of 165 feet by 70 feet!

I went outside this morning to snap this picture and to my surprise this is what I saw on the hills behind our building. I know all you people back south are saying that's nothing, but what you don't understand, it was 90 degrees here 2 weeks ago, it doesn't SNOW here in Southern California where I live. This is extremely rare. Remember all my flowers that I posted last week on Blooming Tuesday? Well, they look like wilted lettuce that was left in a too cold refrigerator!
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Kelli's House !
Your own museum? wow!
Ann, I just wanted to wish you the best of the season, stay safe, enjoy your cruise (I know you will) and Merry Christmas
love Rose
Wow ! that's huge !! and you have your own museum ? That's great !!
Wow, 12,000 sq. ft.? That's huge!
Can't wait to see it when you have all your things in it.
Our daughter is in Riverside, CA and was telling us of the snow on the MTNS.
Your own museum! That is impressive-- glad it finally worked out for you:) Sorry to hear about your flowers.
We are expecting up to 12 inches of snow today in Wisconsin. Snow day all around:)
Merry Christmas!
Linda C
Wow, your husband must have a huge collection of cars! And the pictures of the mountains are absolutely beautiful! How nice that you can see some snow!
Hmm, wonder what happened to global warming?
That museum will be amazing.
Wow that is fantastic. My husband would love it. He has two vintage cars and would love more. Anxious to see when you post it finished!
Wow, your own museum! It will be exciting to see it progress.
How wonderful to have a safe place to store and display your treasures! Please share the progress!
What a neat thing, to have your own museum in your back yard! My son goes to Bible college in Lancaster, and they had snow - in the desert - on the college campus this week.
Congratulations on the building! It looks amazing and how wonderful it will be for your huge collections. I hope you will show pictures when it is all set up inside.
The snow is really pretty in the background. I know it is rare for you. It would be for us too, here in Texas.
Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas.
Celestina Marie
Looks like you are going to have a huge showcase.
This is Deryk Dees's wife. Your home and yard and decor is so beautiful! You have great taste. I bet you wake up every morning feeling like you're in Heaven. That's cool you're building a museum.
When you fill your museum you will need to post us some more photos of what's inside. I think that would be a lot of fun! Sounds interesting.
Your snow is awesome, too. No snow here in Florida :).
You are always welcome at The Shadow of the Cross. Feel free to visit anytime.
My Dad is a mechanic - and would love to come and visit your museum when it gets done. LOL
I love the snow too - we have lots of it here!!
Have a Merry Christmas,
Wow, your very own museum! Congrats!
Wow a museum! That will be awesome. Will it be open to visitors? If so I want to come see the next time we visit down that way. If it is done. But then we don't know when we will be down that way anyhow. I will be looking forward to the progress on your new venture. How exciting!
That is amazing and what a beautiful view, too! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Your own museum? Wow, that is impressive. Thx for sharing and have a great Christmas.
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