Welcome today is Pink Saturday!
During Christmas my favorite flower is the Poinsettia. How sweet is it to have a Poinsettia plant in PINK?

I just love this night lite I have in one of my guest bedrooms. It's such a pretty china set with PINK Roses!
I love this dollie under one of my lamps with the PINK accents!

I just love Mosaic projects done in Pink broken china pieces!
For more Pink Saturday posts please go visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound!
Why, Happy Birthday! I think that night light is darling. Happy Pink Saturday!
Hello Sweet Ann!
Very pretty pinks! The doilie is extra special! ; )
Happy Birthday Ann!
Everything looks soooo beautiful. I love pink.
And I can see from the previous comments that it is your birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Have a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday! I love that doily.
I loved the mosiac piece and I too has pink Poinsettias on my post.
They are beautiful.
Happy PS
I love your pink mosiac pieces. So pretty. And the nightlight is charming. So glad to have you back in blogland again. Happy Birthday and Happy Pink Saturday. Oh, my birthday is next week.
Hi Anne,
What pretty pinks you are sharing today. Love the flowers! Is today your birthday? Happy Birthday to you. Today is our 34th Wedding Anniversary :0)
Oh I love your mosaics! Lovely! Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy PINK Saturday!
Fun PINK post!
~ Gabriela ~
I just LOVE pink poinsettias!! nice saturday post this morning *smiles*
What a unique nitelite, happy B-day! and happy PS!
Happy Birthday, such a lovely post.
In the spirit of this season of giving, I have a gift for you today. I am giving away some art...because I BELIEVE. Please stop by and take your art home, or leave me your e-mail and I will send you the file. You can use the art for tags, cards, prints or in your creations for the Holidays.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Wonderful pink Saturday items. I love the crocheted doily.
Mosaics are awfully pretty, too. Have a wonderful pink Birthday!
Anne, I love your nightlight and your mosaic.
I love the mosiacs...but specially I love that sweet night light. Happy Pink Saturday..xx
Happy Pink Saturday, Ann. And, Happy Birthday wishes to you.
I love all of your mosaic work. And, I have a couple of pink poinsettias, too.
What a sweet grandson!! I love ALL your pretty pink items. I am a HUGE fan of the cracked china...can't get enough of it!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy Birthday! I hope it was a fantastic day!
I really like that doily with the pink accents :0)
Please come over when you have a moment. I've something for you in my "Sunday 12/7)" post.
Hugs and I hope you are having a great weekend. Hasn't this weather been so "season-ish". lol
Hi Ann, Love the reindeered kitty. I love pink poinsettias too. I got mine yesterday. It's pink and white. The place also had huge ones too that were two feet tall and a good price too. I wanted to buy one so bad but we are going to be gone for the Christmas holidays and was afraid the plant wouldn't make it. (I am still thinking about going back and getting it though...I am a glutton for punishment) Happy Belated Pink Saturday. ~ Lynn
Oh, I love that pink poinsettia, too! Your night light is wonderful--I would love to be a guest so I could turn that sweet thing on! Well, happy belated b.day!!! What a wonderful Pink gift from your grandson!
Hope your PSat was filled with fun--loved your reference on my post about how cats are "inspectors". You are so correct!! Dana
Hello Anne; Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Birthday!! Even though I am late... Love your pretty Pink's. how sweet of your grandson to bring you pink flowers. Where did you find the nite light with the dish, I have never seen one with the saucer. Just love it.
Have a great week.
These mosaics are beautiful.
Love shabby chic!
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