Today is Bloomin' Tuesday hosted by Jean at Ms Green Thumb Jean's Blog. I was out of town for the Thanksgiving Holiday and I have missed the last 2 Bloomin' Tuesdays!
The weather has been very mild and at some times still warm here in Southern California. Alot of my flowers are still looking very pretty. No one has told them yet it is December. All these pictures were taken today in my garden.
My roses are all still blooming and still have lots of flowers. I am really feeling kinda sad that next month I have to cut them all back so that they can start all over again for spring! The thought of cutting them back so much when they still have flowers on them just doesn't sound right to me! But I have to do it to promote more flowers and growth for the next season.
Here are some shots of some of my rose plants taken today....

This next plant is a HUGE Vine I have growing on one of my fences. It is covered with bright pink trumpet looking flowers. The bush is around 15 feet tall. It is huge! I have it trimmed every year in the spring but it keeps growing bigger every time! It usually blooms from fall to winter.
Right now it is starting to grow these really long pea pods. This one is about 18 inches long. Do you suppose these are seeds for this plant? I don't know much about this plant except that it gives me lots of color during the fall and winter months. The plant was here when I bought the place. This is one of my purple bearded Iris plants I found blooming today. I have a area where I have hundreds of these Iris and they always bloom in the spring. Why this one is blooming now, I don't know!
My Orange Tree is full of Oranges! This tree makes the most delicious oranges. My property use to be an orchard and this is one of the remaining fruit trees. We have this tree in our front yard and my husband and I like to sit on the front porch and eat a fresh picked orange in the morning!
This fig tree is also in my front yard. It has big plump figs on it. You have to pick the fruit before the ants and the birds find them first!
My Periwinkles and Vincas grow and bloom till we have a cold night. Then they look like frozen lettuce in the refrigerator! So far we haven't had a cold night!
I still have some different varieties of Daisies growing too.
For more Bloomin' Tuesday please go visit Ms Green Thumb Jean's Blog!
You have so many things still going strong. My roses are still blooming, and since I've just started growing roses, I just learned that I shouldn't prune until January or February. Do you follow any pruning method?
That vine is spectacular, as are your roses. If you find out what it's called, I want to know!
Your yard is beautiful. There's an award waiting for you at my place!
Just beautiful all of them. You should do a post on tips for growing roses!! I love that pink HUGE vine. Where can I get one and is it in full sun or shade?
Hi Ann
Your pandora vine is gorgeous, I have several in paler pink colours and a white.
Gorgeous roses too! We don`t prune ours until late July but then our seasons are opposite.
Your flowers are always amazing! I love the Iris blooming off season!
Oh good grief. I had to do a post on snow for Bloomin' Tuesday this week and you still have a billion blooming flowers! It's time for me to pack my bags and move to southern California! Beautiful photos. Your roses are so lovely. The vine -- incredible. I could almost feel the warmth radiating from your pictures! ;o)
sorry Ann, I was half asleep.
It`s pandorea, a wonga wonga vine, interesting plant for you to have as it`s a native Australian plant!
gorgeous plant and yes the pods are seeds and you can cultivate them. Very profilic growth, you need to prune regularly to keep it intact but gosh they are gorgoeus on fence lines.
You are so lucky to still have so much beauty left in your gardens to admire.Your roses are awesome ans I love that pandoa vine it is beautiful in color and all of your plants look reat.
I can't believe how much you have in bloom! The roses are all lovely but I think I favor the white. Love the pink vine! What great color to have thru the winter months. Good to have you back! Jean
ooooo color! I'm going through color withdraw! And we don't even get as cold as most of the US:)
Thanks for sharing:)
You are welcome Ann! I will take some pics of mine to show you the different shades. It is also easy to grow from cuttings, I put the cuttings straight into the ground, just heavily water it for a few weeks and it takes off. The only thing I find with it is I need to keep it off the ground, the snakes love to get under it, it provides excellent cover for them and we don`t want that.
Your cruise sounds great, I love cruises, so relaxing! We are off to New Zealand.
Everything looks so pretty Ann... but that purple iris is GORGEOUS!!
Your roses are amazing!! The colors are so pretty!
my goodness! your gardens are certainly doing well! mine are all frozen over! lol
what do I expect living in Alberta Canada! lol
thanks for the visit and the sweet comment...my greenhouse is actually one that my husband built for me. it is similar to the framing of a single car garage...but instead of walls...we used plexi glass as walls and roof...I do hope this helps..I plan to put some photos of it up when I do a post about growing from seed.
that vine...if you wait until the "pea pods" mature..you will be able to see the seeds inside...once they are dried a bit pick them and you will hopefully be able to start more of that wonderful plant! I am curious to see what it is called...and if I figure it out...I will let you know too!
I am going to add you to the list of blogs I follow if you don't mind! Your blog is very neat! Nice to meet you!
glenda (tootsie)
Hello Sweet Ann!
The reason your garden is still blooming is because you have a green thumb and you love your garden! It is the most beautiful garden I have ever seen Ann! How fun it is to ride in your golf cart with you and Buck looking at ALL your gardens!
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