Sunday, December 28, 2008

Blue Monday

Today is Blue Monday. I know it has all happened to each one of you, you are watching TV and a Info Commercial comes on and its something you have to have. For my Blue Monday I am posting my Blue Aqua Globes I just had to have.

In case you don't know what they are, they are those hand blown glass watering bulbs that automatically waters your plants for up to 2 months. Mine just happen to be all Blue!

I am embarrassed to say, they actually do work and I love them! They do water my plants automatically and the only thing you have to do is make sure they are refilled with water!

For more Blue Monday posts, please go visit Smiling Sally's Blog!


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Anne -- That is so pretty and pratical! My MIL has some of these and just loves them! Love your blue one!

Happy Blue Monday...


Sheila :-)

imjacobsmom said...

My niece had those on her christmas list. Now I wish that I would have got them for her - there is always Valentine's Day. ~ Robyn

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne
I have never seen these. You could really go away and not worry about your plants... amazing.
Did you see "KAT"? I swear he is your cats twin.
She's on my last Saturday's Post and last Monday's.
Take care
Love Claudie

Kim said...

Lovely! What a pretty choice for Blue Monday.
Happy New Year wishes to you--

Blue Muse said...

Hi Annie,
I have seen those! The blue one is beautiful :)

Thanks for visiting my little world today! To answer your question, my husband, my son and myself are doing the project of bringing a little beach cottage and garage/guest house back to life. We started in October and I began my blog to document the progress, and ended up getting distracted and posting about all sorts of other things, too. If you go to the first post, you can see how it all started! And, it only looks like poor tired husband does all the work, because I'm the one taking the pictures ;) I'm working, too!

The photo you asked about is a statue in a cemetary. (LOL) It was so beautiful, I didn't care where it was from. I have the bigger photo on my computer if you'd like me to email it to you?

xo Isa

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Ann, you are so funny! My grandchildren Chandler & Hailey keep telling me I need to get some! Good to know they work! LOL!


Judith said...

They are gorgeous - Oh I want some of those - I'm terrible with plants!! Happy New Year, Judith

Anonymous said...

Anne, I have seen these watering globes but I was skeptical. I now must buy some so my sister won't have to water my plants when I go out of town. The blue ones are gorgeous too.
Thanks for sharing them today.


SmilingSally said...

I've seen that commercial, and I always think they're pretty. However, I'd forget to refill them. Happy Blue Monday!

bj said...

I've seen these on tv and wondered if they really worked....glad to hear they do.
Happy day,

Sherrie said...

Hi Anne,
They are beautiful! They look like pieces of art! Have a great New Year!


Neabear said...

My mom has one too. Maybe if I had them I wouldn't be killing my plants. Lol! Hers is a blue too. I love your blue ones.

Anonymous said...

I have seen those! It's exactly what I need to get. all of the blue is so pretty too. Happy Blue Monday!

Anonymous said...

Oh darn! I should have put these on my Christmas list! Yours is very pretty in blue. I have to leave my California plants when I travel to Seattle for long periods of time and that would be perfect for them :0)
Have a wonderful week Anne...

Anonymous said...

Aren't they amazing.... I love the blue ones best.... I have sold these at my booth and they sell like crazy..... you can also get them at Walmart ....

Missy Wertz said...

That is pretty. My MIL and some friends have some of those. And really work! Very pretty. Happy Blue Monday!

Mimi Sue said...

I always wondered if they really worked. Great for when you go on vacation. Hope you had a great Christmas. Mimi

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have been so tempted to order these. And, now that you say they work, know what that means. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I think those are so pretty. I have a friend who is a glass blower..might have to see if she can make some of those.
Happy New Year!

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

I've seen that infomercial and I'm glad to hear they work! Good for you and I think I'll be ordering some soon. My dad's girlfriend would like those!

Femin Susan said...

Your blog is really interesting... Keep posting.... Wishing you " A Happy New Year''

nikkicrumpet said...

I've always wondered if those things work. They're pretty and my house plants would sure appreciate it since I always forget. I'm gonna have to get me some of those!

Nancy said...

I almost bought these and then decided they probably didn't I'm going back to get them! Pretty blue post.
Happy New Year, Anne... :)Nancy

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM Anne..those things really do work..WOW!! thanks I need to get me some..great BLUE Monday post..even if it is Tuesday now..I have been making my rounds..thanks for coming by and telling me about Mr.Linky thingy I finally got it right so now I can do this again..Hope you have a safe and blessed New Years...hugs and smiles Gloria

Mary said...

They are beautiful and if you are like me, they save the life of many of your plants. I have never heard of these but am going to see if I can find some. My houseplants do great when they are outside in the summer, but I always lose a couple over the winter - mainly because I forget to water them.

Happy New Year to you and yours.

nikkicrumpet said...

I just came by to wish you a VERY HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR. May it bring joy, laughter, and much love to you and your family!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Just want to wish you a blessed new year! blessings, Kathleen

Rhondi said...

Hi Anne
Hope you have a happy new year.
Hugs, Rhondi

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