Saturday, June 21, 2008


There is a Garden Party going on and you are invited. Cielo at the House in Roses is having a Garden Party and we are to show our garden to celebrate the first day of summer. So sit back and enjoy my garden.....
First we will start in the patio and sit and relax and have some Lemonade.

Maybe BBQ some Hot Dogs........

It's 111 degrees today so maybe a dip in the pool?

Oh, lets take a little peek in the rose garden portion of the yard.....

Isn't this the cutiest "Flower Bed". If you look at another post of mine, I tell you how this is made

Here is the "heart" of the garden.......The Potting Shed

Do you smell the fragrance of all the Gardena plants? It just fills the air with a sweet fragrance!

(I love to pick fresh flowers and float them in a bowl of water in the makes the whole room smell so good!)

Here's the Marigold bed in full bloom......this is the only plant that the squirrels and rabbits don't eat!

Oh, look inside this birdhouse and see the nest with little blue eggs......

Oh my, look inside this birdhouse and see the little birds that have just hatched. Don't they look hungry?

Check out this weird looking flower. What the heck is it?

The Petunias look like they are doing just fine...................the rabbits and squirrels haven't found them yet!

I have so many different
kinds of Lilies in so many colors!

Here is Charlie the Turtle, he saw us taking pictures and thought he would come on over to see if we have any food for him.

This is my Granddaughter Harper feeding him some carrots!

They almost look the same size!

Well, I have so much more to show you but you must get on over to Ceilo's blog and check out the other gardens.

Please come back to visit me another day because I have so much more to show you in my garden!
One of my Mosaic signs made from broken Vintage China pieces!


Sugarplum Cottage said...

WOW! Ms. Anne absolutely stunning. Hugs, Rose

Unknown said...

Wow! I'm at a loss for a word to describe all this. Where do you live? Can I hire you to help me? LOL

Lisa Pogue said...

Thank you for the tour. It's absolutely beautiful!!!

Unknown said...

Your garden is spectacular, I don't know where I would like to sit if I were there. Would it be under your gorgeous veranda, playing in your adorable potting shed, or walking through your garden admiring all the flowers. You truly live in paradise, and you even have a lovely granddaughter too. You are blessed. Karen

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Oh my, that looks just like the place in my dreams. It is simply beautiful!


Naturegirl said...

Anne what an absolutely enchanting garden you have here!I just don't know what I love more! The pool invitation the baby birds or that turtle and your sweet angel! So much
charm and character I see in your garden tour and as I scroll down at your past posts! Thank you for your invitation and I am too havigna garden show! Nice stopping by :)NG
Have a lovely day in your garden!

Naturegirl said...

OOPS! I forgot that garden bed is the BEST!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Such a peaceful, relaxing space. Your flowers are beautiful. Your pergola is enviable. Do you not have rain there? Or do you put out all the fabrics for pictures or on a daily basis? It is fantastic. Reminds me of the lenai on Golden Girls!
Thanks so much for sharing!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, I KNEW yours would be fabulous and I was right! I love the flowers bed!! And oh your potting shed agghh!!! I have wanted one for so long! And of course all of your flowers are stunning! I love seeing your sweet granddaughter with the turtle, that is so sweet!!


Anonymous said...

I have never seen so many gorgeous gardens as I have today. I enjoyed my tour of your garden so much. I just planted a gardenia bush last year and noticed this morning its first blooms. Inspired by your words I am going to go out and pick some to float in some water. Hope you're having a fabulous day. ~ Lynn

Anonymous said...

Everything is just absolutely beautiful. Your personality is reflected in all of your fun and lovely features.

Judy said...

Wow, I love your garden and your blog. I will visit again soon. The garden party is so much fun. The nest with the eggs and babies is just too adorable for words.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your patio! So hot there! Where on earth do you reside? I thought it was hot here in East Texas! Loved the tour. Especially, oh, how to break it down... The wonderful "bed" of flowers, the sweet little birds' eggs and the birdies! Your lovely granddaughter Harper (love the name) and the turtle. Oh, all so beautiful! So happy Cielo has made us a part of this. She's a sweetie pie!

FancyHorse said...

Thank you so much! I truly enjoyed my visit. You have a lovely home and garden. I love the little potting shed, and all the roses, and especially the flower "bed"! How unique!

Life on the Edge said...

Wow, your porch area is stunning and so is your garden! I really do love that flower "bed." I also enjoyed seeing the bird nest and that baby birds, and that picture of your granddaughter feeding the turtle is precious! Glad I found you from Cielo's garden party.


Celestina Marie said...

Hi Anne, your garden is just gorgeous with all the favorities of flowers and roses. I love your pool area and potting shed. What a wonderful tout. How cute your grandaughter is with Charlie the turtle. He is big!
Blessings to you,
la rea rose

kari and kijsa said...

Your garden is stunning!!! Love all the beautiful flowers, and the flower 'bed' is fabulous!!

What a dreamy escape!!

kari & kisja

Farmhouse Primitives said...

I enjoyed my visit to your garden SO very much!! It is gorgeous! I see mountains in the background of one pic....what state do you live in? Thank you for sharing your home. And thank you for visiting my blog and enjoying my "one" rose bush. (grin)

Barb said...

Tommy and I (hubby too) are ready to move in-hehe. Just stunning!
God has blessed you. I love the "flower bed". The tribute to your dad was very moving to me.

I will be back regularly.

Have a blessed weekend,

MARIA said...

Hi- Anne!beautiful is your greeting from Poland.!

MARIA said...

I want to write:
Greetings from Poland!

Gypsy Butterfly said...

Hello Annie, Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and viewing my garden photos. You have a very pretty garden. There are so many different types of blooms in your yard. I also love the quaint shed and your beautiful inground pool. You must surely enjoy sitting outdoors often in the summer, enjoying your lovely yard. Have a wonderful sunday!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Love the heart bed, the pool, the turtle !! It's all divine !

Nancy Jo said...

Well now Annie Frannie, that is some place to live in. I loved looking at the pictures. Harper is a cutie and so funny that you have a turtle that stops in. Ok So I get lots of good things at the thrift and yard sales. I don't have a turtle. I do have four Grand daughters.
I will be over for the garden party so please save me a seat.

Charm and Grace said...

Hello Anne! Thanks so much for visiting my garden. Yours is amazing!! :-) Love all the roses, of course, and it seems we have gardenias and pink calla lilies in common, too. Your French doors and patio are the stuff of my dreams! Simply gorgeous. Thanks for the tour...


joyh82 said...

Your yard and garden are just beautful! I love the pretty flowers and baby birds and I want

a woman who is said...

What a lovely garden you have. I love your ambience and that the whole place has a "feel" of peace and relaxation.

Donna Lynn said...

Hi Ann,
What a wonderfully beautiful garden and house you have, I am drooling all over the place...need to go get a towel!!!

Loved the tour!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I just loved the tour and Edward says hello to Buster and Buck!

kari and kijsa said...

We would be honored to add you as a favorite too!!
Loved seeing the pictures again- just beautiful!!

kari & kijsa

Lavinia said...

I can only dream of a garden like this....its like something out of a magazine. What a showcase!

Everything is so beautiful....I loved the flowerbed and the cute turtle...(cute granddaughter too!).

Thanks for visiting my blog and introducing yourself....

Lovely blog you have created here...

My dog is a shih tzu, by the way....that breed is the best...

Linda ★ Parker's General said...


The Nester said...


I adore your lovely garden and home and tree and barbies!!!

kari and kijsa said...

We would love to be a "favorite"...can we add you to our links as well?

Have a blessed and wonderful day!

smiles, kari & kijsa

Paula said...

Oh what a gorgeous place, Ann. Have you ever been in Better Homes and Gardens? You could show those people a thing or two! *wink wink* All you need now is a henhouse, and you would really be in heaven! LOL

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Hi Anne Fannie of Green Acres!

So good to be home and to come visit you on your beautiful blog! LOVE the new changes you have done!

I love all your detailed pictures you have taken of your "out of this world" garden! The little birdies are sooooo sweet! Can't wait to come play at your house soon!


Rue said...

Hi Ann :)

Your gardens are gorgeous! Love the pool too.


Cindy@Cutepinkstuff said...

Beautiful gardens, Anne! Love the photo of your granddaughter feeding carrots to your turtle. Precious!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

gosh.. you have such a big house and pretty garden!.. I like to see the tortoise.. my kids love tortoise.. we have 3 tortoise at home and 2 at my office. but they are all babies..

thank you for coming to my blog.. you too have a wonderful blog for me to read..

have a great weekend!.. :-)

Darlene said...

You have an absolutely stunning place....I wanna live My daughter saw me looking at Charlie and she just cracked up and said other people have turtle's too. We have one that comes to visit most days on our front porch.

Rhondi said...

Hi again Ann
I am so glad I found your blog again because I am having such a good time reading everything and looking at the pictures of your beautiful garden. The garedn in a bed is fantastic. I love it!! .All the flowers are so beautiful Your granddaughter is adorable!
I love all of it!
Hugs, Rhondi

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