Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pumpkin Head Kitty

Do you ever search through the Treasuries at and look for something to buy?  Last week I was looking through the Treasuries and I came across something I just had to have for Evil Kitty.

Is this funny or what?  It's a hand knitted orange pumpkin hat for your kitty!  Look how happy Evil Kitty is to be wearing it? 
When the package came and I pulled it out of the package my husband takes one look at it and says "Now that was a impulse buy".

You have to go check out this lady's Etsy Store.  It's called Scooter Knits.  She makes all kinds of knitted hats for your kitty, witch's hat, a candy corn hat, reindeer hat, etc.  They are great!

All ready for fall!


Holly said...

I have no idea how I have lived to the ripe old age of 45 without one of those lovely cat hats!! That is hysterical! I think I need one. I'll be in your neck of the woods in a couple of weeks. Going to be hanging out with Kris from Simplify. Have a great day!

dana said...

There is NO way I could get a cute little hat like that on either one of my kitties....and they are not evil!! I wished I could, because that is just darling!!


Neabear said...

That is pretty cute! It is amazing what kinds of craft ideas people can come up with that are fun to make!

Yep, your kitty is ready for Fall!


Darla said...

Too, too funny!

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

LOL! Evil kitty, doesn't look evil now! That is adorable! Love what Don said "Now that was a impulse buy"! Oh does he know you! So true!


Raymond L said...

I love the idea of handmade cat accessories.

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