One of the things I love about living in Southern California is that we don't have harsh four seasons. I have flowers year round and roses till the end of the year.
So let's go out in the garden and see what's blooming today!

Marigolds are a fun annual too. Here is a cute barrel full
Lavender is always so pretty and smells so good. I like to dry the flowers and put them in homemade sachet packets
My Zennias are still blooming. I like to dry out the flowers and plant them again next year
Rudbeckia Hirta - I plant these flowers every year, they are a perennials but they never come back for me the following year. I don't know what I do wrong! So today I picked some of the dry flowers and I am going to use them as seeds and plant them next year
This plant is called Heliotrope. I just bought it and planted it about 2 weeks ago. It is a perennial and is suppose to return next year. Right now it is about 8" tall and it should grow up to 36" one day
Another pretty fall Perennial
Now we will go check out some of my Roses! I Love Roses!

Hope you enjoyed a walk with me through my garden this week. Now go on over to Jean's Blog at Ms Green Thumb Jean and check out some of the other Blooming Tuesday Posts!
Hello Dearest Ann!
Yeah!!!! I just couldn't wait!!! Your blooming Tuesdays are always so WONDERFUL! Everything is still blooming at Anne Fannie's Green Acres! LOVE every picture my dear!
Ahhh, the smell of roses!
I think that you have a lots of nice things going on here at you blogg! The birdfeeder at the left are sooooo pretty!!!!
And al the nice haouses and... and... and....
So many beautiful flowers! Soon, I will have many of the ones shown. They are winter flowers here, so my garden will have some color again, other than cactus flowers.
Fall has been a long time coming!
What a feast for the eyes! Petunias never do well for me, zinnia and marigold are on my 'get for fall' list. Your roses are really showing off! Happy Tuesday to you!
Must be nice to have year round blooming, I have to change my flowers out for different seasons here in FL. Like your blog.
You have wonderful blooms to share this week Anne Fannie. I love Heliotrope, doesn't it smell wonderful?! I bet your mild weather allows you to grow things as perennials that are only annuals here. The whiskeybarrel full of Marigolds is quite lovely too!
Another fabulous post! I just love seeing the flowers. The barrel of yellow is so beautiful!!! Like sunshine :)
As I looked at each of your flowers, I was in awe of your talent. The beautiful roses are my very favorite. The pictures are so lovely that I can almost smell the roses. Thank you for a wonderful post.
Loved your bright, vibrant petunias! They are such troopers -- so much color! I've got to plant some next year!
Your blooms, home and blog are all just georgeous!!!! Thanks so much for sharing!
Everything is just beautiful Miss Annie!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Marigolds in the barrel the best!!!
Your garden must have a wonderful aroma with all those roses blooming. Amazing! I love the Rudbeckia Hirta and the cone flowers. How lucky you are to have blooms all winter! Jean
Spectacular roses! I love roses but have about given up on them except for Knockouts. The humidity here in Georgia does such a number on them and I hate to spray.
Your roses are so pretty. The colors are amazing!!Happy Bloomin' Tuesday!!
Oh how gorgeous! My neice got married in La Jolla last spring and I had my first trip as an adult to your state. I was just taken with the amazing varieties of flowering trees and bushes everywhere I went. I was in heaven! If I weren't so captivated with the desert I would be there in a heartbeat!
Thanks for sharing your lovely gardents- truly a joy to visit!
Your flowers are so beautiful! The roses are just lovely!
I was born and raised on the central coast of Calif. Imagine my shock when we moved to Utah and I had to buy annuals, well, annually! I do love the seasons here and the tulips are the best. We just couldn't do bulbs in CA. Mimi
Hi Annie, loved the pretty pictures. My daughter has just been stationed to Monterey, California for her training in the Navy. Not sure how the weather is there, but I would really like to go out there and visit her soon. Looking at your pretty flowers, it would be tempting to move out that way!blessings, Kathleen
You have lots of very pretty colors blooming in your sunny California garden.
Be still my heart - thank you for sharing those roses!
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