It's PINK Saturday again today! Beverly at How Sweet the Sound is again hosting a PINK Saturday where we are to post pictures of things that are PINK!
Hope you enjoy my PINK Saturday pictures!
This is my PINK Mosaic Candle Lantern that I have made. It is 17" tall from the base to the top of the handle
This is a cute PINK flowered Teapot with a PINK Fiesta Plate behind it
This is a Carousel Horse with PINK Wings!
Here is another Carousel Horse with PINK all over it!
Oh wait, do you see it? There is a dark PINK Rose and PINK stripe on this Pitcher!
Now we will go out into my Green Acres garden and see if we can find any PINK there!
Look at these Dark PINK Mums. Aren't they just beautiful?
A precious single PINK Rose Bud!
When this PINK Hydrangea flower is gone, that is it till next year!
These PINK flowers are so confused, they usually bloom in the springtime? All this hot weather faked them out!
Click here Beverly's How Sweet the Sound and go on over to her blog and view other PINK Saturday Posts!
Thank you for visiting and my heart and prayers go out to all those families in Ike's path.
Love, Ann
Happy PINK Saturday Sweet Ann! LOVE all your PINK pictures especially the mosaic lantern! Soooooo beautiful! Have a wonderful Pink Saturday!
Have a Happy Pink Saturday within Pink thoughts. I know it helps us to move away from usual:)
And thanks for sharing your gorgeous pink items, such an inspiration to go shopping and search the similar ones..
All the best,
~N at CrossRoads
Happy pink Saturday, Ann...you do lovely mosaic work. And of course your gardens.....inspriring!
Good Morning,
You always have the most beautiful Pink things....LOVE that mosaic lantern and the Pink mums!!
Have a happy Pink Saturday!
I love love love your pink mosaic piece. Very nice work.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Hope you will stop by
job on your mosaic lantern . That's one craft that I haven't tried yet .... maybe one of these days in my spare time .... :o) Sue
Happy Pink Saturday! That mosaic was a job!
Very pretty. I like the horses! Happy Pink Saturday!
Thanks for visiting my blog. Your Pink things are so pretty. Have a good day.
Happy pink Saturday!
kari & kijsa
Lovely Pinks.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Blessings, Virginia
Happy Pink Saturday, Ann.
You found great pink to share today. I love your lantern.
isn't it fun to find pink to share. I love your pink post today. Especially the 'spring' flowers. smile.
My post just posted without my link. ???
Your talent shows in a mosiac lantern, I would never dare....happy pink Saturday.
Happy Pink Saturday! That single rosebud pic is exquisite! Great post I enjoyed it very much!
Hi Anne,
You have a great assortment of pink for us today. I'm always a sucker for pink flowers! Have a great weekend...
Happy Pink Saturday! I love your carousel horses..so whimsical..many pink thoughts to you!
That is a lovely mosaic peice!
Love your pink photos. Thanks for stopping by my place. Take Care!!
Ann,Thank you for coming to visit me again this pink sat.I love your mosaic lantern its very pretty.That single rose bud is the prettiest pale pink.The hydrangas too!
I really like your rooster kitchen also.I have been looking for rooster with pink roses.Have you ever seen any like that?If so let me know where to go.
Happy pink sat,Hugs,Jen
Beautiful pink things! Gorgeous flowers!
Your Buster looks like my Oreo...:-)
Love the pink stuff. The flowers are gorgeous. The mosaic is very nice. Everything is very nice.
I love your horses, they are so beautiful. Wonderful post. Happy Pink Saturday.
Hey Ann, thanks for dropping by...Yes, Miss Morgan the yorkie tells me all the time, "Crochet me another PINK sweater"...LOL She does look good in pink, doesn't she?! :0)
Such a beautiful pink posting. I loved all of your things and especially that little mosaic lantern.
love, bj
I know I say this every time I visit your blog, but I still burst out laughing when I when I see that photo of the "evil" kitty! My Frankie cat looks evil in most of his photos, (do they have a "cat eye-glare setting" in editing programs like they do "remove red eye"?), but he is a sweetie and I'm certain yours is, too! What isn't evil is your amazing lantern! What a creation--you did a great job on that. Your flowers are just lovely--I enjoyed the last of your hydrangeas! Hope your PSat was a good one--dana
Happy Belated Pink Satuday!
Lovely PINK pieces!
~ Gabriela ~
You mosaic lantern is gorgeous. I also love your mosaic stool in the sidebar. You are quite a talent!
You did a beautiful job on your lantern....very nice...and all your pinks a just lovely....
Mo ;-)
Yay! Another California person. Loved all your pinks. So pretty. I loved it. Thanks for stopping my Pink Saturday too. Happy Week!!
I love all of your pink treasures especially those pink mums. They are gorgeous!
Hi Ann, Loved all your pink goodness from yesterday. I am a little late visiting everyone as I was out treasure hunting all day yesterday. I loved your mosaic and pink hydrangeas. My big hydrangea bush only put out a few blooms this year. But the Endless Summer ones bloomed a lot but they are still small bushes. I have your swap ready too and will mail this week. I loved it and hope you will too. xo Lynn
P.S. in regards to our Halloween Swap. You absolutely must wear yours and take a photo for us. :)
Love the lantern you made, so sweet. Happy Pink Weekend!
Happy PINK Saturday Sweet Ann!I love all your pink post!
so cute!
Gorgeous PINKs!!! Love that mosaic you made and the LOVELY winged carousel. Just Beautiful!
Great PINKness!!! I especially like the rose and hydrangeas!
Ann, You have lots of sweet PINKNESS to share, even from you garden, and it is all so pretty! Just love the mosiac canister you made! It is fabulous! ~Rhonda :)
You'll have to give us a tutoral lesson on mosaics. Have a great week.
whata great pink post! thanks for sharing your pink treasures with us!
I love that lantern!! But, all your pink photos are beautiful! HPS!
Your mosaic lantern is darling. I've never seen anything like it. Great job.
Love all the pink things you have.
Beatutiful pink post....love the teapot...and your gardens...Thanks for stopping by and left a sweet comments...Katherinellen
love the mosaic candle best i think but the pink blooms are gorgeous! bad weather and power outages still made my pink visits late but i think the worst is over. praying for those who had it so bad! thanks for the visit.
what an awesome candle lantern a nd the flowers are gorgeous. Happy pink
Forgot to tell you how impressed I am with the candle holder that you made! It's just beautiful!
I also love carousel horses and other menagerie animals.
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