Today for Blue Monday I thought I would show some beautiful blue pictures from my Birthday Surprise from my dear sweet husband.
The other day was my Birthday. My husband told me he was taking me somewhere for a special dinner and for me to pack a overnight bag. Where was he taking me that I needed a overnight bag I thought?
We drove to downtown Riverside to the beautiful Mission Inn Hotel. They were having their Festival of Lights for the Christmas Holiday and the lights were breathtaking!
Look at what greeted us when we drove up!

This was my favorite area, the beautiful blue pool with the lights surrounding it! There was blue lights everywhere!

My husband rented a beautiful Suite on the top floor overlooking all these beautiful lights!
He told me we had 7:00 dinner reservations. The Hostess took us to a beautiful room in the back to be seated. There I was startled with a screaming of SURPRISE!
I was embarrassed so I covered my face.....
My husband had invited my girl friends and their husbands. They made me wear a Boa and a Crown on my head and my girl friend Donna made me a Barbie Doll Cake (I collect Vintage Barbie Dolls)

The Barbie on the Cake also had a Boa and a Crown!
Here is a picture of my friends. Isn't my husband the greatest?
For more Blue Monday posts, please click here and go visit Ms Sally at Smiling Sally's Blog!
Looks like a lotta of fun, belated happy birthday!
Blue Monday in Detroit
Happy Birthday to you ♫
Oh, what a truly wonderful surprise! First to have a sweet husband whisk you away for an overnight treat at such a glorious place--and have a suite waiting! Then, to be surrounded by so many friends, and finally, to have one make you that special cake, which DOES look like you. I'm so happy for you, Ann; sure deserve it. Happy Blue Monday.
Belated Happy Birthday! Looks like a super fun day with Family and Friends and it sure was a nice surprise.
Happy Blue Monday.....
Wow such a fun way of celebrating your birthday, your hubby is indeed sweet!
My Blue Monday
What a perfect birthday celebration! Congratulations on finding such a great hubby. Happy Birthday and Happy Blue Monday too!
What a wonderful way to celebrate your birthday. Your husband did a great job.
You look like you wear a tiara everyday. Who is the Birthday Queen? You are.
Happy Birthday and many more.
Yes, he is! What a wonderful surprise. I'm sending you belated birthday wishes. Have a great Blue Monday
What a fun birthday for you! How sweet of you husband to plan a special birthday treat for you.
Happy Belated Birthday!
What a great surprise! Happy Birthday and Happy Blue Monday!
WOW...that is so kind, I'd say he's a keeper for sure! You look like the Barbie! What a fun evening that must have been...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you my dear! Come see my lights! :D
i heart that blue pool! looks like a fun-filled birthday! happy birthday to you!
u may view mine here
That was a wonderful surprise ! You do have a great husband . Happy belated Birthday & Happy Blue Monday!
WOW what a fabulous hubby you have and what a great surprise. The lights are BEAUTIFUL!! Sounds like you had the BEST Birthday ever!!!
What a sweet husband!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
How fun was that!!! Tell Don I'm proud of him. But I am offended that he didn't invite us! :0)
My gosh it's great to read about my own home town and places I know and scenes I've seen and rooms I've been in! I am so glad you got those shots of the Mission Inn. I missed everything this year. I just have not been up to doing things like that yet..and I hated missing all of it.
We plan to ride down and look at the lights..but it rained all day long and neither of us felt like going out in the weather tonight.
Thanks for printing those pictures. :) What fun.
I'm glad you like the skates.
You can click on the picture and see them closer.
Happy Birthday, by the way!! And many, many happy returns!!
Happy Birthday!!!
What a fun post! Loved seeing this, and what a sweet husband to surprise you this way. Looks like you all had a blast. I love your Barbie cake, too.
Sheila :-)
Happy birthday!!!!! Oh, this looks like such fun.
I love Barbie too!
Hugs, Barb ♥
Donna, if you're reading this, the cake is awesome!!!
What beautiful pics, Ann. Thanks for sharing them. Gorgeous place!!
Happy, Happy Birthday!. What a lovely surprise! and such a sweet husband. The Mission Inn Hotel light festival is beautiful and I'm sure just breathtakeing in person.
A very special birthday to tresure always!
Have a wonderful day,
What a great surprise!!!! What a great birthday!
Oh, Ann- what a treat! You have such a sweet Hubby, and your friends must love you so much.
(I can see why- I love you too and have never even met you in person!)
Happy Belated Birthday- I hope it was the best ever!
AWESOME!! Happy Birthday!! SO fun!
I discovered your wonderful blog through Pink Saturday. I was busy exploring your site and thoroughly enjoying myself when I suddenly thought "Why that looks like our Mission Inn." Duh. It is our Mission Inn! I live about a mile from the hotel. In my defense, I really should be in bed.
Please be sure to visit the newly restored Riverside Performing Arts Center the next time you come to town. Maybe you can turn the tables and surprise your husband with a tour.
Have a great Pink Saturday!
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