Growing up my father had a fish pond in our yard. He loved his Koi fish and everyday when he would come home from work he would immediately go visit his fish and feed them. My sweet memories are of him tapping the rocks and all his fish would swim up to him for food. Before my father passed away from Cancer, he had all his fish moved to the pond at the cemetery where he was going to be buried.
I grew to love them too so when my husband and I moved to the Green Acres 6 years ago I asked him to build me a fish pond. He built me one and around it I put some large rocks that was once the actual rocks my father use to have around his pond. I bought small Koi fish so that I could train them to come to me too when I tapped on the rocks.

The other day the unthinkable happened......"SOMEONE" (and it wasn't me) left the garden hose on in the pond. The Chlorine in the water KILLED ALL MY KOI FISH!! We woke up to finding all 37 of my beloved Koi Fish floating bellied up in the pond.........I was devastated!!

Then, HE said it, not me......You are going to post pictures of this on your blog and tell the world how I KILLED YOUR KOI FISH? .........................yep
I am hooking up today with Ms Sally at Smiling Sally's Blog for Blue Monday. I am feeling very blue today .......