Come sit in my garden and enjoy all the flowers around you......

Huge Shasta Daisies. They grow 3" to 4" across! Known for
long season of blooms has flowers that stand tall from spring
to late summer. Great for cut flowers too! Divide plants on
a regular basis. Will keep coming back year and after! Don't
forget to cut off dead flowers to promote more blooms!

Gerbera Daisy. Comes in so many beautiful colors! This is
a salmon color. Grows best in part sun with plenty of water!
Also can be grown in shade with lots of light. Makes great
cute flowers too!
Calendula - Vibrant daisies in yellows and oranges. Grows
best in part sun. Multiplies every year!

Lanai Red Verbena - Blooms cover the plant. Good trailing
plant, water frequently, grows best in part sun.

Passion Flower Vine - What a great climbing vine. Grows fast,
has huge 3" purple flowers. Blooms spring through end of
summer. Attracts lots of butterflies!

Lemon Sugar Marguerite Daisies. So sweet, grows in a bush,
very hardy, almost maintenance free!

Huge Artichokes - I have 2 artichokes plants. One I use for
eating and the other one I let the artichoke go into bloom. It
makes the most beautiful huge purple flower! Just spectacular!
I will post a picture when it blooms!

Red Rose called "Showbiz". It is so beautiful. Deep red roses
cover the bush! I have 9 of these roses in my yard, 8 in a rose tree
lining one of my walkways and one in a bush by the Koi pond.