Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Pink Tea Cup Bird Feeder is in Artful Blogging Magazine!

Almost every Saturday for the past two years I have joined Ms Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday. When she emailed us a couple months ago and said Pink Saturday was going to be in Artful Blogging magazine, we were all excited for her. She also asked us to submit our favorite Pink Saturday picture for their review.

I submitted a picture I took of my handmade Pink Double Tea Cup Bird Feeder in the garden. Last week I learned my photo was chosen and is in the Summer issue of Artful Blogging. Yesterday I drove around to different stores till I found it! They have a huge display of them at Barnes and Noble.
I am so happy for Beverly and all the other Pink Saturday participants that were chosen for the article.

For more Pink Saturday posts, please click here and go visit Beverly.

To look at more of my Tea Cup Bird feeders, please click here!


  1. How fun!! Congrats on this!!

  2. Congratulations! to both Beverly and all Pink Saturday participants.

    My Pink Saturday
    You Got A Posty ~ PFF
    Theme Day ~ Statue

  3. Happy Pink Saturday to a TRUE Artful Blogger!! You deserve that honor! L, Dana

  4. Congrats!
    I love the birdfeeder!
    I am going to B&N this weekend and get my copy!!

  5. that is so exciting..

  6. I don't blame them for picking is an awesome idea and so very cute! Way to go!!! :D

  7. Congratulations! What an adorable idea! Happy Pink...Marcia

  8. Congrautlations! I have my copy of Artful Blogger ordered and can't wait to get it!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  9. How wonderful for you - congratulations and Happy Pink Saturday!

  10. Congratulations! It is beautiful -- I can see while they highlighted it!

  11. What a blast! Congratulations girl! Now you are famous, I'm off to find the magazine sister. Happy Pink Saturday.

    God bless and have a great weekend!!!

  12. What a lovely post! Congratulations! This is really cool. Happy Pink Saturday!

  13. Congrats to you... that's super. Happy Pink Saturday from a newbie! Peggy x

  14. Congrts on being selected... how wonderful for you!Please stop by my pink post and enter today's Mother's Day giveaway!

    Have a wonderful pink weekend!


  15. Congratulations Anne on being included in the Artful Blogging Pink Saturday Feature. What a wonderful photo you submitted....I remembered it being on Pink Saturday. I wish we had a B&N here...the other store hasn't put them out yet...and I've been there hounding them everyday. So happy for you and your lovely blog!

  16. Oh, congratulations! How wonderful. I haven't seen this magazine, but I'm going after church to find it! Now you're the most famous one!
    Be a sweetie,

  17. Hi Anne, congratulations on your lovely bird bath being chosen for Artful Blogger. It is a worthy entry. Thanks for publishing the credits. I didn't know who had been chosen and we have no way of getting the magazine where I live. We live in a small town and we have no major shopping near us. Unless you want to include WalMart. HA! I am ordering it through the net. I hate waiting. Beverly and I have been friends for 39 years and I am so happy for her to be published. She is totally responsible for me blogging. She lives 5 hours drive away from me.

    Have a wonderful Sunday.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  18. Ann, I must get that magazine.. How could you NOT be mentioned with your fabulous designs and goodies!
    Hope all is well, many blessings!

  19. Hello , I'm still making my Pink Saturday visits. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. Your pink post is adorable and congrats of the magazine article.
    Blessings, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  20. YEA!!!

    I'm so happy for you, Ann! This is great!


    Sheila :-)

  21. That was one of my favorite things i saw in the magazine. Ididnt buy it, I wrote the infor down, but well, I could not find it today.So I now found you. love your stuff. May I follow you at cottage wannabe?
    thanks orgoogle reader.
