Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A "Hoot" of a Story - Outdoor Wednesday

Today we had the tree trimmers come to cut up some trees. We have recently purchased a 3 acre Avocado Grove next door to our 3 acre property. It was a bank repo, and it has been vacant for 2 years. The place is a mess! We are trying to fix up the little farm house to rent out and nurse the avocado and fruit trees back to health, so we had to call tree trimmers to help us cut off all the dead branches.
The first tree they cut down was a huge dead Palm tree about 25 feet tall. When it fell and hit the ground this is what fell out of a hole in the trunk with a broken egg attached to it's little bottom! Look at her eyes, they are still crossed from getting her bell rang during the fall!

She was so calm because she was a little dingy from her fall that you could pick her up and pet her and she would just look at you with the cutest, sweetest big eyes ever! She didn't even try to fly or flap her wings so I am concerned she is hurt from the fall.

There was 3 eggs in her nest and only one didn't break during the fall. I had the tree trimmers remove her nest and part of the trunk before they put the trunk into the chipper machine! I carefully put it all in a box along with Mrs Owl and cut out a hole on the side of box. I put the box out in my garden. Hopefully Mrs Owl doesn't smell the hands of the trim trimmers that picked up her egg and she likes where she has been relocated! I will check on her later to make sure she is OK.Be sure to visit Susan at Southern Daydreamer for Outdoor Wednesday!


  1. Oh poor hooty! I hope she recovers and her kid hatches and they live happily everafter. Please keep us updated.

  2. Poor little mommie...make sure you call someone who knows exactly what to do with her...our neighbors took care of hurt birds for the local bird refuge, one day they brought over the CUTEST baby owl..it had the longest eyelashes and would turn it's head all around to see all of us! Keep us posted about all this! :D

  3. The little owl is just adorable. It's a wonder it lived after taking the fall. Hope it continues to thrive.

  4. Anne,
    Wow! That's amazing story and photos...Can't wait till the next post and see how she is doing...Thanks for sharing...Katherinllen

  5. what a sweetie..hope she is okay and her babies too...

  6. Awww how sweet is she? I love owls. I hope all goes well. Keep us informed.

  7. Oh my. What a sweet owl. I hope things work out well.

  8. She is sooooo pretty. I hope she is alright after that fall.

  9. When we had chickens and had to give them efggs that weren't theirs, we put a drop of vinegar on their noses. Whne it wore off, their smell was on the eggs. Good luck! Paula in IDaho

  10. Oh I hope that works. Poor little owl. It is so very cute. We had a baby raccoon fall from it's home in a hole in a tree in our yard. We tried to feed it and care for it, but it died. I have since found out there is a man in the area that will nurse stray little coons.

  11. Poor little owl! I hope she and her egg will survive the trauma. Looking forward to future posts on her recovery.

    ~ Tracy

  12. Awww! The poor thing. I sure hope she'll be ok!

  13. Awww. Hope all goes well for the poor little thing. I'm sure somewhere is So Cal they have a bird rehab place. Mimi

  14. Please let us know how she does. She's lucky it was you who have her land. Hope you'll stop by if you have time. Jane F.

  15. Wow--poor little hooty! Will you be keeping all of us up on how she does? Awwwww....what wonderful pictures.

  16. Oh, Ann- how awesome you actually got to hold her! Poor little thing... she does look a little dazed and confused!
    We had a little screech owl hanging around last year, and one night I was able to walk up very close and get a good look at it- it was soo cute! I hope it comes back!

  17. I agree! so glad she is in your care. Some great tips have been listed. Good luck & prayers your way! Please do keep us posted :)
