Monday, May 3, 2010

Blue Monday - Vintage Baby Planter

I love to collect vintage lady planters and lately I have been buying vintage baby planters too. They are so cute and I just love their vintage style.

Here is one I bought the other day at a Thrift Store. It is a pretty lamb with a big blue bow around it's neck.

I think it has the sweetest face on it!

Please go visit Sally at Smiling Sally's Blog for more Blue Monday posts!


  1. Love this sweet vintage planter! I developing quite a liking for them through blogging and I have a few of mine posted today too.

  2. I love those baby planters too, Ann, although I don't have any. I remember that every time a baby was born, one would be given. By the time my babies came along, the practice had stopped. Happy Blue Monday.

  3. Oh my goodness...that little lamb put a smile on my face! He is adorable. I would have bought him, too!
    I hope you have a great week.
    The Tattered Tassel

  4. Hi Ann...
    I just loved seeing your cute little lamb planter...I remember that my Mom got one just like it when she had my little brother.It was so appropriate because my parents raised sheep.
    I have several planters in my collection but not that one...(mom doesn't have hers anymore...she probably replanted it and gave it away to another new baby's mom)
    Thanks for the good memory!

  5. Loved your little lamb planter. I still h ave one that I received flowers in when my son was born.

  6. I like thrifty store too. Happy blue Monday.

  7. Oh it is soooooo precious. I just love these little ceramic lambs. Happy Blue Monday.

  8. I remember these, I always loved cute! Come say hi :D

  9. That is so adorable. It was a blast from the past! A happy blast! And, I scrolled and read your Pink Post - congrats on your photo being published ... I need to get that magazine! I follow Beverly too. I just don't get to all of the blogs. Either Pink or BLue! Glad I dropped by! Thanks, Jenn

  10. So cute. What a fun collection!

  11. OH how sweet the little lamb is..

    Have a great week


  12. I love your sweet little baby lamb with the big blue ribbon. He's just precious. I am also old enough to remember these baby planters. Oops, did I say that out loud???

    Have a wonderful 'Blue Monday' friend.

  13. Oh, how cute! Love this, Ann!


    Sheila :-)

  14. I LOVE lamb planters. . . and have several. My problem is that I love all sorts of's a sickness. :) L, Dana

  15. Hi Anne,
    Oh what a darling face on your lamb planter. They really are special to collect. Also Big Congrats on your gorgeous bird feeder featured in Artful Blogger. What an honor and for you and also Beverly who hosts this wonderful event for everyone to enjoy! I will be looking for that issue now!

    Thank you for entering my giveaway and stopping by with your kind comment. Good Luck to you sweetie!

    Have a special Mother's Day!
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  16. I love him!! I do it some too. My girlfriend collected the baby ones and stopped. I think they'd be great for candy bouquets too or to fill with stuff like a basket. They are great just as is, huh.

  17. They make the cutest pin cushions. He does have a sweet face. Mimi

  18. *Squeeeal* I love it!! What a cute little lambie, Ann!
