Saturday, May 8, 2010

Pink Saturday!

I just love to join Ms Beverly at How Sweet the Sound and all the other pinkies every Saturday for Pink Saturday.

I made a new style tea cup bird feeder for my Etsy Store today. I used a heavy and very tall rod iron candle holder with lots of swirl decor. Sprayed it white and epoxy a pretty PINK tea cup and saucer to it.

I love the print on the tea cup and saucer

Today I received these beautiful PINK Azaleas from my son and his wonderful family for Mother's Day. I had text my son and thanked him and he said his wife mentioned they should arrive just in time for PINK Saturday!! Oh yeah....
Does anyone else remember doing this to their kids? I received this card from my son for Mother's Day and I just about fell over laughing....

It said, Happy Mother's Day to Mom, the original Seat Belt........then he made reference to my Lee's Press on nails I use to wear!

I can remember MY mom doing this to us too when we were kids in her 1956 Chevrolet Belair when there was no seat belts! Such fun memories!

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Mother's Day!


  1. LOL..that card is so darn cute! I think all Mom's have done the grab and hold move! Love the flowers they sent to nice! And I so love your tea cup...they look so sweet in the garden! Come say hi, I had a neat thing happen to me today! :D

  2. That's one sweet card! A Precious gift one can give to their mother! I love your tea cup bird feeder, which I think was also featured before. Hope some winged beauties found pleasure in it...
    Lovely roses!

  3. Love the bird feeder and Happy Mother's Day to you!

  4. Love that card and your tea cup planter is beautiful!

  5. I did that to my daughter this past week, lol. Beautiful tea cup feeder, what a gorgeous color on those azaleas.

  6. OGM....I STILL reach over to "protect" a passenger! That was the best card. . . I rever used the press on nails, but they still make them...AND they make press on TOE NAILS! I have a friend who uses them on her toes!!:) Actually, they look good!

    Your tea cup feeder is really great on the candle base! You are so creative!! Would you believe I have never worked with epoxy? I've always been afraid of it...I think I need to get over that!

    I hope you have a terrific Pink Sat. and a WONDERFUL Mom's Day!! If you lived nearby, I would let you wear my Mom Crown for awhile! :)

    L, Dana

  7. Ann, I have to laugh at that card, and I can remember my own mother doing it to me! LOL! Oh, how cute!

    And that bird feeder is darling. Love the pattern. You are so clever!

    Hope you have a wonderful Pink Saturday and a very Happy Mother's Day...


    Sheila :-)

  8. I still do that regardless of the seat belt in place. Your azelelas are georgeous!!!! Happy Moms Day.

  9. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Mother's Day, Ann.

    Your bird feeder is gorgeous. I'll be sure to show it to my husband because he loves your bird feeders.

    The card made me laugh, too.

  10. Oh, yes the hand that slapped across your chest every time mama needed to have both hands on the wheel. Yep, mama did it and so did I.

    I just love your swirly birdfeeder and the pink azaleas.

    You enjoy your Mother's Day sweetie!!!

  11. How did our kids ever survive? I still do that when I slam on the brakes. Lee Press On nails weren't they fun? Love that pink tea cup. Gorgeous pattern. Azaleas are gorgeous too. Mimi

  12. Happy Pink Saturday and Mother's Day! I still do this even when no one is in the car with me! Don't want my pocketbook to hit the windshield! :)

  13. Anne... To this day, if I have to stop suddenly, it's an automatic gesture. I throw my arm over whoever is in the passenger seat. I guess it's something that never leaves a mother..your flowers are gorgeous and your teacup feeder is just beautiful. Happy Pinks...and Happy Mothers Day..

  14. Anne-I cracked up on the seat belt picture as well! It's just an automatic reaction. I love your bird feeder. That will be on my list of projects to make for the garden! Hope you had a wonderful MOther's Day.

  15. Thank you for stopping by recently. I appreciate your kind comments.

  16. Hola Anne, I still put my arm in front of my kids when I`m driving, though they are very grown up and have their own cars, but sometimes I go alone and still do it!!! Crazy and funny!!
    I just love your teacups creations!!!!
    Very happy belated Mother`s day!!
    Maria Cecilia

  17. Oh Ann- I love the new teacup and saucer! And the azaleas are gorgeous- what a sweet son you have.
    Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! ((hugs))

  18. Found you via Pinterest. I am your newest follower. Love the teacup idea for a bird feeder! Please visit and browse my blog palace sometimes. Tiffany
