Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bloomin' Tuesday

I look forward to every spring to see this lavender trumpet vine in full bloom. The flowers are a pretty lavender and they completely cover the whole bush. Look closely, I have them growing on a pair of old french doors. Some of the windows are missing in the doors and the vines are growing through them. The doors are on each side of a walk way which leads to one of the side yards. I wish you could see the detail in those doors, with all the small little windows but the vine is covering it.
Here is a shot of the flowers close up.
In the front yard I have two rose bushes that greet all my guests before they walk up the front porch. These rose bushes are called Hot Shot. This is a arch way in the garden where I have red vine roses growing on it. I don't know why but the rose bush on the other side of the arch way doesn't bloom at the same time as the one on the right side. It might be because of the position of the sun during the spring months. I will have to remember that next time I position an arch way to plant roses!

This is a lavender Hibiscus tree bush I have growing by the Koi Pond

For more Bloomin' Tuesday posts, please go visit Jean's Blog!


  1. Ooh that Lavender trumpet vine looks gorgeous on those doors, what a clever way to recycle them. :)

  2. I agree with Perennialgardener...beautiful!

  3. you have a beautiful home...love the blooms..

  4. Your lavender trumpet vine looks amazing!

  5. Great idea to use the French doors for the trumpet vine. The vine is beautiful! Would love to have that in my garden, but we are in zone 6, so too cold for such a tropical beauty. Thanks for sharing your garden pics! ~~Rhonda

  6. Love that creative idea with the doors!!! And all the flowers are gorgeous. What a grant entryway with the rose tree bushes! I love it all!!

  7. Your vine is really going strong and the roses on the archway just pop out at ya. Beautiful!

  8. Miss Annie Fannie, those are stupendous by the walk way. I want ours out by the back fence to start sprouting GLORIOUSLY very soon. May have to plant more to get that effect though, sugar. I want LUSH roses along that fence. Just beautiful, chick, beautiful!!!!!

  9. The vine looks fantastic! Your home must look lovely from the front with those two lovely bushes and I love the archway too! Beautiful!

  10. I've never seen a lavender trumpet vine before. Yellow and red yes. It's just gorgeous. Love that door idea. I'm right in the planning stage for the backyard so any ideas from you I'd appreciate. In fact why don't you come up to Utah, visit your kids, and help me with my plan! Mimi

  11. Pretty, Pretty, Pretty! I can smell the roses here in Calif. What a show of blooms you are receiving. Our roses are blooming also and Gary has been cutting them and making flower arrangements for me. There's nothing like fresh flowers from our own gardens.
    A very lovely post.
    Have a great day, Elizabeth

  12. Blossoms To die For Girl!!!! It is snowing here today so your post is especially warming to the soul. Gorgeous and worth repeating, Gorgeous! Blessings meg

  13. I love the lavender trumpet vine growing on french doors! Great idea. I can see why they call the roses hot shot with their beautiful bright color. Jean

  14. You have a beautiful home girl and I love your bloomers too! :o)

    God bless ya and have a terrific Tuesday!!!

  15. WOW...what a beautiful home, and yard, I love the flowers!...love it..you must be very happy there! Come say hi :D

  16. You have some lovely blooms there! I love that lavender trumpet vine. I don't know if I've seen that before. I wish I had room for even one of the orange ones.

  17. Just got home from northern California. It's all abloom! So beautiful. Your yard is gorgeous. I always love to see what you have for us each week!

  18. The lavender trumpet vine is so pretty! I also loe the roses. Happy Bloomin' Tuesday!
