Friday, January 29, 2010

Pink Saturday - Vintage Pink Bowl

Today for Pink Saturday I am posting a picture of a vintage pink bowl that was given to me by a special friend. It is a pretty colored pink, heavy glass, has four legs and has lovely designs all over it. I think it was so sweet of her to give to me. She said when she came across it in her garage she thought of me because she has seen my Pink Saturday Posts!
I love all the pretty designs on the glass! It has no markings on it at all, so if anyone recognizes this bowl please let me know what it is and from what date!
Please go over to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound Blog, our hostess for PINK Saturday and leave a message. Today she is doing a special fund raiser. It is a fundraiser for a lady who has breast and bone cancer and may lose her home. For every message left on Beverly's blog, $1.00 will be donated to the Colette Gauthier Home Fund. Please find time to visit Beverly's Blog and leave a message to help this great cause. My father died of bone cancer and I just lost my friend of 44 years 2 weeks ago to breast cancer. Let's join together and help this lady and leave a message on Beverly's blog by clicking here HOW SWEET THE SOUND BLOG


  1. Beautiful bowl and I wish I could help.

  2. very ornate bowl. love the feet too.

  3. I just found your blog and loved reading through it..thanks! Cindy Il.

  4. Love the bowl, the pink is creamy-yummy.

  5. Happy Pink Saturday!

    It certainly doesn't look like made of the pink shade.

    ~ Gabriela ~

  6. Annie dear, that is one lovely bowl! love it.. so what you gonna do with it? can't wait to see how you gonna display the bowl.. Happy PS & thanks for sharing..

  7. I love all your beautiful mosaics. I don't have any help with the dish, but it is beautiful. I was looking at some of your older posts. I did recognize a Royal Copely piece...the turkey planter. I collected quite a few pieces for awhile. I passed them onto my niece not too long ago. Glad I found you!

  8. I love love love the beautiful pink bowl. I have a blue one just like it and it was a wedding gift to my mom and dad back in 1959.

  9. Your pink bowl is absolutely gorgeous. Look at all of the intricate detail. Enjoy your Saturday.♥

  10. Hola Anne, a very lovely pink for pink saturday!!!
    Maria Cecilia

  11. What a gorgeous Pink Bowl,, what a sweet friend you have... Happy Pink Saturday...


  12. What a lovely bowl and a very sweet friend!

    Happy Pink Saturday,

  13. I ♥ to come here on Pink Saturday. Your blog is always so sweet and comforting. Cold and gloomy winter up here this year so Pink Saturday is one day I can always count on for a little pink ray of sunshine.

    Thanks for being my pink sunshine today☺

    Wishing you the comfort and warmth of those you love this weekend.

  14. Two of my favorite things, glass and pink! This is just the nicest gift.

    I'm still visiting my list of Pink Saturday posts. Wishing you a wonderful week.

  15. I just love little bowls with feet. So cute! Mimi

  16. Oh, that is so pretty! And so's the little covered dish beside it. You could take the new bowl into an antique shop and ask if they recognize the pattern.
    Happy Pink Saturday~

  17. I have read your entire blog and I would love to be an adopted "grandchild"! You love the same things that I do. I started a blog a week ago and hope you will visit.

  18. You got a really useful blog.. Very Beautiful bowl..

  19. I missed posting a comment last week but love the pink bowl!

  20. I just posted of picture of my blue one. The bowls are the same, from around late 50's, early 60's according to my mom.

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