Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pink Saturday - Pink Piglets!

Today for Pink Saturday I am going to post pictures of some really cute little PINK Piglets!

They were given to us. I think they are kinda cute.
For more Pink Saturday Posts, please click here and go visit Ms Beverly at How Sweet the Sound Blog!


  1. Those little Pink Piggies just put a big ol smile on my face!

    Happiness to you on this Pink Saturday! Dana

  2. Sweet little pink piggies! Marcia

  3. They are cute!

    Happy Pink Saturday, Ann...


    Sheila :-)

  4. Ohhhhh, I love them! Wish I had some too. When I was a kid, my mom had a set, a mom and about 6 tiny little babies..I don't know why but she loved to put them on birthday cakes! LOL Come say hi :D

  5. Hey, Anne, it's good to hear from you. This winter has me in a tailspin. I'm not used to such chilly weather, so my blogging's slowed down too.

  6. Oh my goodness, they are tooooo cute.
    tin and sparkle

  7. They are sooo cute!! It looks like we both had pink piggies on our minds today! I hope you'll stop by for a visit. Hugs, Terri

  8. Adorable! Love your Pinks! Happy Pink Saturday.Please don't forget to visit me. It will be your only chance to enter my giveaway.

  9. Anne... those pigs are adorable! thanks for your comments on my PS post... I don't really "collect" vintage cards... I just loved the ones I posted today because they told a love story... at least a little part of one... from 1911... don't know what I'll do with them... but i like them!

    Happy Pink Saturday! Dixie

  10. Anne, I just love your piglets..I collected pigs for many years, I have tons..when I start getting more boxes unpacked I will do a post of the best..sadly most will have to find new homes as this home just has no room.
    Thank you for visiting me today, I always look forward to visiting you.

  11. Hello Anne, I do love those little pink piglets. When we lived on a farm as a youngster I remember when the mama pigs had piglets. We loved them but if we wanted to hold them, our father would have to get one for us. The mama did NOT want anyone near her babies. Oh what fun days we had on that farm.

    Happy Sunday and Pink Sat.
    Hugs, Jeanne xoxo

  12. Happy Pink Saturday!

    I love fact I had one as a pet...a very long time ago...
    They are so sweet!

    ~ Gabriela ~
