Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blooming Tuesday

I love spring time in my garden. There are two plants that only bloom for me in the spring and I look forward to them every year. They are my Orchids and my Pink Amaryllis.
I have a pink Amaryllis plant that is blooming right now that has 12 flowers on it. I planted one bulb 3 years ago, it was a gift to me for my birthday from a friend.
They have the prettiest blooms on them. I planted this one under one of my rose bushes. My Rottweiler dog Buck smashed my last one, so I planted this one somewhere he won't lay!

My Cymbidium Orchids are also blooming. I keep them in pots in my patio outside my bedroom. They will last for weeks cut in a vase as long as you change the water frequently.

For more Blooming Tuesday posts, please click here and visit Jean at Ms Green Thumb Jean's Blog!


  1. I do believe you live in paradise. Honestly, your photos are just incredible. So glad to hear the little ones enjoyed the cupcakes!

  2. Oh Annie, It has been too long since I've visited your amazing blog. Those blue hydrangeas caught my eye- they are amaazing! Do you add the ammonium at any time? MY little hydrangea is just setting buds..is it too late? They were an amazing pink last year but I would love to see the blue this year. Happy Blooming Tuesday!

  3. Your Orchids and Pink Amaryllis are beautiful!

  4. I see why you love those....beautiful.

  5. How very beautiful. My Bradford Pear and forsythia are in bloom. My red bud tree is tryin' to spring forth and I have crowns of green 'round the yard. We also have some 30degree lows predicted this week. This old holler can frost in the middle of May!

    God bless ya sweetie and have a terrific Tuesday!!!

  6. Hi!
    Beautiful blooms! Will the Amaryllis bloom in zone 5? They are so pretty. Have a great day!

    Sherrie's Stuff

  7. Your flowers are amazing - those flowers we grow for house plants! IT is wonderful to see them in your garden. Thanks for sharing,
    Paula from Idaho

  8. Oh so beautiful...wish we could grow such things here! Come say hi :D

  9. Lovely photos of your amazing blooms! Happy Bloomin' Tuesday! Jean
