Friday, June 15, 2012

Some Pickin' Treasures

For 3 weeks my husband and I took off from California and went pickin' in 13 states.  It was so much fun.  I am amazed how friendly people are and so willing to invite strangers in their home to look through their stuff!   I do have to say, my favorite was in Kentucky for their 400 Mile Garage Sale.   They have this every year along Hwy 68.

I found so many things, but for now I am going to share with you some cute garden decorations.  I picked up the items during my pickin' and just bought the flowers at home.   These ideas are all under $10, including the flowers.

I bought a vintage rusty chicken feed tray.  I put some .25 cents plates in it, filled with dirt and planted some annual flowers.  It is hung on my fence to my chicken coop.

 This is a vintage chicken waterer.  I planted flowers along the water tub area and hung it on a rusty old hanger.

I am hooking up today with Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ketcup and Mustard Rose Bushes

I just bought the most beautiful new rose bushes.  They are called Ketcup and Mustard!  The bottom side of the pedal is bright yellow and the top side of the rose pedal is red.  Just stunning!

Check them out! 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

One of our Vintage Cars is in a Commercial

This is one of our vintage trucks in a commercial.  It's our 1956 Ford Pick Up Truck!  They filmed it last week.

Click here to watch commercial:

Here's a picture of it in our yard

Friday, February 24, 2012

Busy In My Craft Room

I have been busy in my craft room making some Mosaic creations for my Etsy Store.  This is a stool I painted pink, gave it a antique look then covered the top with broken china plates. 

This is a wooden garden tool tote.  I painted it pink and covered it with broken china plates, glass tiles, gems, etc.
I made a dragon fly on one side and a butterfly image on the other side out of hand cut glass. I used glass black beads for the dragonfly's eyes.
The back has a china plate in a heart image and the rest is broken china plates, glass tiles and some gems
On the front I made a pink rose and leaves out of clay

I hand cut all my china pieces and I search garage sales and Goodwill for .50 cent china plates!!

I am joining Ms Beverly at How Sweet the Sound today for Pink Saturday!

Monday, February 13, 2012

My February Winter Garden and I finally have Eggs!

The weather has been really nice here in Southern California lately.   Some of my spring flowers are blooming.  In 2 weeks there is a wedding reception in my garden so I hope the weather stays nice and no cold spells to kill my flowers!

This is an area by my driveway when you first drive into our yard. There are a variety of daisies, daffodils, chrysanthemums, coreopsis, stocks, pansies, primroses and cyclamens
My Primroses come back every year
On the other side of the driveway lining it I have about 6 of these pretty pink daisy bushes
I have an abundance of these Alstroemeria flowers.  They make great picked flowers in a vase on the table
I finally have eggs!!  My sweet Geraldine a Leghorn White Hen is the one that gives me a egg just about every day!  Now I am waiting on the other 9 hens to start laying eggs.

This is my favorite, its name is Susie, a white silkie.  I named it after my pet rabbit when I was a little girl.  I am so disappointed because Susie turns out to be a Rooster.  A boy named Sue?
I swore I was going to get rid of all the roosters but look at this cute fuzzy bottom....snort!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Chicken News From the Green Acres Cottage

I'm new to the backyard chicken thing.  I've only had them for 3 months now. I can't believe how quick they grow and change and how dumb I really am about chickens.   I thought I would share a picture with you of Buttercup my Rhode Island Red.   I took this picture 3 months ago of her.    Look how cute she was only 3 months ago.  I was so excited to look forward to large brown eggs......
This is a picture of Buttercup I took today, only 3 months later.

Yep, she's a ROOSTER!   And the really sad part of it all, up to 2 days ago, I actually still thought she was a hen!  I guess I better read one of those Chickens for Dummies Books.  Yeah, go ahead and laugh at me, everyone else is!