Monday, February 13, 2012

My February Winter Garden and I finally have Eggs!

The weather has been really nice here in Southern California lately.   Some of my spring flowers are blooming.  In 2 weeks there is a wedding reception in my garden so I hope the weather stays nice and no cold spells to kill my flowers!

This is an area by my driveway when you first drive into our yard. There are a variety of daisies, daffodils, chrysanthemums, coreopsis, stocks, pansies, primroses and cyclamens
My Primroses come back every year
On the other side of the driveway lining it I have about 6 of these pretty pink daisy bushes
I have an abundance of these Alstroemeria flowers.  They make great picked flowers in a vase on the table
I finally have eggs!!  My sweet Geraldine a Leghorn White Hen is the one that gives me a egg just about every day!  Now I am waiting on the other 9 hens to start laying eggs.

This is my favorite, its name is Susie, a white silkie.  I named it after my pet rabbit when I was a little girl.  I am so disappointed because Susie turns out to be a Rooster.  A boy named Sue?
I swore I was going to get rid of all the roosters but look at this cute fuzzy bottom....snort!


  1. Congratulations on finally getting eggs! Where did you get your chicks? Whoever sold them to you should have told you these were roosters and not hens. You can determine their sex when they are chicks. Your garden is beautiful as always. I am so jealous.

  2. Oh my goodness..where have you been? I have missed you! I almost had to come a knockin' on your door! Hooray for eggs! Just wait, you will have more than you will know what to do with in no time. I have 5 girls, and they add up fast! I will be getting another batch of chicks in a few weeks.
    Your flowers are lovely. And I LOVE the boy named SUE!!!

  3. fresh eggs! Congratulations...I know it's been a hard wait.

    Who'd ever guess that fluffy bottomed hen was a he~chick??? Heeehehehhe!

    Your flowers are simply amazin', ya got me turnin' an ugly pea green here!!! We have a nasty Missouri blizzard goin' on today. UCK....
    no flowers here! 'Just sayin'....

    God bless ya and have a glorious week sweetie!!! :o)

  4. The flowers are beautiful! And I am loving that fluffy butt!

  5. Oh, fuzzie bottom is a keeper, even if his name is Sue! Those look like big eggs too, love that..and the flowers with such nice weather..we have snow today! It is really the first snow this winter though, so it's ok. Nice to hear from you...Happy Valentines day! :D

  6. *GAAAAAA* Fuzzy Bottoms! *haha*
    Look at those gorgeous eggs, Miss Ann... you should be a very of your girl Geraldine!
    Your flower gardens are sooo pretty... *sigh* ... makes me wish spring would hurry up and get here!

  7. How much fun you are having. I am primrose pink w/envy.

  8. Your hens are laying some pretty eggs and I love that rooster bottom! LOL! Your flowers look as beautiful as ever Ann. You have always had the greenest thumb!


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