Friday, March 25, 2011

Hot Pink Bougainvilleas for Pink Saturday

I love Bougainvillea plants. They are so hardy and along with the carpet of flowers comes long thorns to keep intruders out of your yard.

We have so many of these plants in every color along the fences of our property. Here is one plant that is over 12 feet tall and it is a carpet of beautiful hot pink flowers.

Here is a picture of the flowers close up.

Nestled in the flowers is one of my Pink Mosaic Wind Chimes I made last week. I have this listed on my Anne Fannie's Etsy store.

Don't forget to click here and go visit Ms Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for more Pink Saturday participants.


  1. I stumbled across your blog and love all the pictures of your beautiful fleurs... so very pretty... I am your newest follower.

    Cheers and happy weekend to you!

  2. Girl, your Bougainvillea plant is absolutely stunnin'!!!

    I'm not familiar with it...maybe a southern plant???

    Whatever it is it's gorgeous as is your wind~chime!

    God bless ya and have a fantastic weekend!!!

  3. Happy Pink Saturday!

    These are among my most favorite to press, they keep their fabulous colour!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  4. Wow! The pinks of the Bougainvilleas is just gorgeous! They are something I truly miss living back here!

    Your wind chime is precious!

  5. I need some of these Bougainvillea plants because they are hardy! I hope they are hardy if the person planting them doesn't have a very green thumb. They are just beautiful!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  6. What a lovely pink post! I love your blog - it's so pretty! I can't believe I've never come across your blog before because we seem to like to so many of the same blogs. Stop by for a visit if you get a chance; I've got a new home:
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  7. Oh my, how pretty, Anne! Glorious blooms! I love your pink mosaic wind chime too. Happy Pinks and Happy Spring!


  8. I love pink flowers. Yours are great. Thx for sharing

  9. Wonderful pink post. Makes me look forward to warmer day and being outside.

  10. My mom grows Bougainvillas and I love them. They are sooo pretty! Do they keep squirrels out? We have a bad bad squirrel that comes in my yard everyday. He runs across my roses, digs up my baby trees. Yesterday he dug up all my basil I had planted. He's a real nightmare!! And I love your wind chime. Very pretty. I'm heading over to your store now. Have a wonderful weekend and happy pink Saturday!

  11. What a gorgeous blanket of pink!
    Happy PS!

  12. Bougainvillea is fantastic isn't it? Love your hot pink ones. Very nice mosica wind chime. Happy PS.

  13. Ooh, they are breathtaking. I didn't know what bougainvillea was until a client asked me to paint them over her child's bed a few years back. She had moved from California, and her little girl missed the blossoms outside of her window! This is a fine specimen! Happy Pink Saturday! Terri

  14. Happy Pink Saturday! Your diner is to die for!! Can I come be your neighbor??? You are too awesome!

  15. I have some baskets of Bougainvilleas that are blooming. They are about the same color as yours. I did not know they would grow on a fence like that. I would love having some that looked like yous. Truly beautiful.

  16. Hi Anne, I too love those gorgeous flowering plants. NC can't grow them though. I had them in our Florida yard in the several homes we lived in back when. Pink is my favorite color. Then there is a orange pink that is pretty too.

    Happy pink Saturday.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  17. We grow lots of bougainvillea plants here in the desert, all colors and they are just perfect for the garden. Yours are gorgeous and so full.
    I am your newest follower and would welcome you if you so desire to follow me.
    Happy Pink Saturday and I look forward to so much more, Char

  18. Love your bougainvillea ! and your windchime ... verrrry nice. Happy pink Saturday!

  19. Sooooo gorgeous! I miss bougainvilleas. We had a few planted along our fence when we lived in California. Mimi

  20. Love your flowers!!! I can feel the warmth of the sun on them...I want to be one of your flowers! ;D

  21. OH so pretty. I am so ready to see some pretty blooms! I am your latest follower so I will be back!

    Happy PS,

  22. Gorgeous plants! What vibrate colors. I love your blog and wish you a Happy Pink Saturday! Anne

  23. These are gorgeous! You must live where it's warm all year. My Aunt lives in southern CA and has these bushes in her yard. They are sure beautiful when they bloom, so vibrant. Happy Pink Saturday!

  24. Oh Annie Sweetie...
    What a beautiful bougainvillea plant. It is all in its glory right now. Just gorgeous. They are so pretty, loved and cared for.

    Your wind chime is just precious. It is SO you. I love the mosaic and the pink is very pretty. Just perfect for a garden chime to play when the wind gently blows.

    Have a gorgeous pink Saturday sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  25. I too love bougainvilleas, to you water yours at all?

  26. You definitely live in the right place to grow bougainvilleas. The would die here in the winter for sure. Southern California is a gardner's paradise for sure. Yours are just incredibly beautiful! Love the wind chime too! Happy Pink Saturday!

  27. What a gorgeous plant! My senior mom and I are really getting in the mood for some serious gardening - her with her veges and plans to create a butterfly garden and me with my plans to recreate the Sunflower House we grew last year - maybe a couple of houses :) So this just inspired my gardening dreams even more. Thank you. :) Happy Pink Saturday!

  28. I love Bougainvillea. When I lived in Asia we had them on our terrace. So lovely. Yours are spectacular.

    Happy Pink Saturday


  29. Love bougainvilleas but they don't grow here! So thanks for sharing. Love the wind cute!

  30. Happy Pink Saturday! Love your Bougainvillea! :) Gorgeous!


  31. Wowzers!!! Gorgeous!! Happy PINK Saturday...hope you're having a lovely weekend :O)

  32. I wish bougainvillea would grow here! I've always thought they were so beautiful, from the first time I saw them. And you did a fabulous job on that windchime!
    Happy PS!

  33. Oh my your flowers are ooohhh la la so pretty in pink! Love it!
    Happy Pink Saturday.

  34. Wow pretty! I love bougainvilleas!
    Happy Pink! And have a wonderful springtime Anne.

  35. Happy Pink Saturday!!! Being from California, I used to have Bougainvillea and I sure miss it here in Louisiana!!! Thank you so much for sharing it!

  36. Hot pink!!! Hot hot!!! It's a common tree here but we all love it.

  37. I love them, too. We always had them when we lived in Fort Lauderdale, but they don't thrive here.

    Happy Pink Saturday, Ann.
