Sunday, March 27, 2011

I'm so BLUE

Growing up my father had a fish pond in our yard. He loved his Koi fish and everyday when he would come home from work he would immediately go visit his fish and feed them. My sweet memories are of him tapping the rocks and all his fish would swim up to him for food. Before my father passed away from Cancer, he had all his fish moved to the pond at the cemetery where he was going to be buried.

I grew to love them too so when my husband and I moved to the Green Acres 6 years ago I asked him to build me a fish pond. He built me one and around it I put some large rocks that was once the actual rocks my father use to have around his pond. I bought small Koi fish so that I could train them to come to me too when I tapped on the rocks.
I loved my Koi Fish. In the past few years some of them have grown to almost 2 feet long!

The other day the unthinkable happened......"SOMEONE" (and it wasn't me) left the garden hose on in the pond. The Chlorine in the water KILLED ALL MY KOI FISH!! We woke up to finding all 37 of my beloved Koi Fish floating bellied up in the pond.........I was devastated!!

I dropped to my knees at the side of the pond and watched quietly as my husband scooped all my beautiful fish up one by one and put them in a trash can. Once the trash can was filled, I grabbed my cell phone and snapped a picture of the sad very brightly colored sight...

Then, HE said it, not me......You are going to post pictures of this on your blog and tell the world how I KILLED YOUR KOI FISH? .........................yep

I am hooking up today with Ms Sally at Smiling Sally's Blog for Blue Monday. I am feeling very blue today .......

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hot Pink Bougainvilleas for Pink Saturday

I love Bougainvillea plants. They are so hardy and along with the carpet of flowers comes long thorns to keep intruders out of your yard.

We have so many of these plants in every color along the fences of our property. Here is one plant that is over 12 feet tall and it is a carpet of beautiful hot pink flowers.

Here is a picture of the flowers close up.

Nestled in the flowers is one of my Pink Mosaic Wind Chimes I made last week. I have this listed on my Anne Fannie's Etsy store.

Don't forget to click here and go visit Ms Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for more Pink Saturday participants.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Showing Some Pink in the Garden for Pink Saturday

The weather has been beautiful here. Rain is in the forecast, but today it is a pretty day. My flowers are starting to bloom and my yard is showing so much color.

One of my PINK Amaryllis plants is just starting to open. This bulb was given to me about 4 years ago from a friend for my birthday. Every year when it blooms, I think of her. What a wonderful gift to give someone that loves to garden. They can enjoy it year after year.

I have a area that my PINK Alstroemeria is growing wild. Every year they take over more area. They will stay in bloom till December and I will have fresh flowers for my vases till then.
I know this isn't PINK, but I just love these double wash tubs on a stand filled with Marigolds. I like to place galvanized buckets around the yard and plant different colored flowers. Here is a vintage bucket filled with Ranunculus. I think the pink ones are the prettiest but I like to mix a variety of color. These will come back every year so I leave the root balls in the dirt and I will plant annuals over the top of them for the summer months. Be sure to click here and go visit Ms Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for more pink saturday posts!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring Roses

One of my favorite things in my garden are my rose bushes. I love when spring is almost upon us and they start to bloom. Here are some pink blooms just awaking for spring!

For more Pink, please click here and visit Ms Beverly at How Sweet The Sound!