Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Vintage Thanksgiving Turkey Planters

I love vintage planters. A couple years ago I started collecting vintage Turkey planters from the 40s and 50s. They are so cute! I like to display them during the fall. This year I placed them all on a kitchen window ledge.
Here are some close ups of them

So sweet all in a row! You can find them on Ebay or Etsy in so many different colors! They are perfect for display during the Thanksgiving holiday!

I have teamed up with Suzanne today for Vintage Thingie Thursday. You can see more items by clicking here and going to Suzanne's blog, Coloradolady


  1. They're adorable! I don't think I've ever seen them before. I'll be on the lookout for them now. Mimi

  2. There sure are some different ones. How to pick a favorite

  3. I love your turkey planters. I have a bunch of turkey shakers, but no planters.

  4. These are adorable. I have not seen any locally, I will have to check on ebay..these are too cute. Happy VTT!

  5. Oh goodness -- those are adorable. Love them!

  6. LOL They are so cute..they just make me laugh! I wish I had them at my house...I can just hear them gobbling! ;D

  7. I love this collection! So original. Such sweet little turkeys all in a row!

  8. I agree, this collection is unique. I don't recall ever seeing any of these before, nice.

  9. .....and just think, some people only have their ducks in a row! What an awesome collection of gobblers ya have to treasure. Thanks for the great pics and sharin' 'em with us.

    Ya'll have a beautifully blessed day now, ya hear!!! :o)

  10. It is amazing what people like and collect. I believe this is my first turkey planters. They are so cute and unusual. Great treasures.

  11. Lol, too funny, I ready "turkey platters" at first and was thinking "wow, what a large collection to have to store!" ha ha ha, It made much more sense when I scrolled down and saw the photos and then re-read it. They are the cutest little turkeys, and they look great on your windowsill!

  12. Love your Turkeys! I have collected planters for about 20 yrs. I had a few turkey ones but this fall and neighboor where I grew up had a yard sale and had a turkey collection for sale.....yep I bought every planter. Have some in the kithen window too!

    thanks for sharing

  13. What a colorful collection, Miss Ann!! They're all so wonderful!

  14. Oh! Those are so darling, I just love them!

    Happy VTT,

  15. Oh Anne, the turkeys are all so darling. I love your collection of them. They are treasures that are so colorful and appealing. Thanks for sharing them.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  16. These are adorable! Thanks for sharing this little group of vintage turkeys. ~ sarah

  17. What an adorable collection of turkey planters!


  18. How weird-I have a few of these and also display them in the kitchen window where I can see them everyday!

  19. How weird-I have a few of these and also display them in the kitchen window where I can see them everyday!
