Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pink Saturday - Where were you that morning?

Today is Pink Saturday and it's 9/11. Where were you that morning? We all can't forget that awful morning when we all rushed to the nearest television to watch in horror what was unfolding before our eyes.

I remember my husband was out of town on business and he called me that morning to tell me to put on the TV that New York was under attack. My husband could not fly home. He was thousands of miles away and could not get home. It was over a week before he could fly home.
Let's all take a few moments to remember those that lost their lives that day.


  1. Good Morning Thank you for this memorial event and loving prayers for loss of one of our pink beloved friends.

  2. Yes, we all recall the morning 9 years ago. My family was also scattered, but not as far away as your hubby! How frightening for you....and thankfully he was able to get home a week later. We must always remember those people who were on those planes that day. . . and who never came back to their families. We must never let that happen to our country again.

  3. I always watched the morning shows and I never get headaches. But that morning I had a bad headache and went back to bed. My husband called and told me...I don't think I could have stood hearing the news all alone. Thanks for your memorial. Nancy

  4. I am afraid this is a day that will long be remembered. There was no need for this to have happened.

  5. Canada remembers too. I stood in front of the t.v. with my mouth agape staring at the screen thinking this can't be real. Sadly I was wrong. We remember too.

  6. We had friends on the way to work at the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, that God they were late.

  7. How scared you must have been that morning, for our country, our world, and of course, your husband... my sister-in-law works at the Pentagon and we were in a panic when we found out about the 3rd plane and its destination... we are all very lucky that our loved ones made it hope safe; for many did not and our hearts go out to them. Love & Peace... mercedes

  8. Beautiful post and blog..
    Thank you Bev's Pink Saturday

  9. I was taking my daughter to school...

  10. I didn't know that. I remember that you called Jimmy that morning to tell us to turn on the TV. He woke me up, and we watched everything unfold. Sad day.

  11. I was in my Special Ed. classroom with a teacher who was on her prep time ran down the hall telling us all of the horrific horror that was going on. Totally tragic.

    God bless and have a good week sweetie!!!

  12. I live by an airport, in fact it was that airport in Portland Maine that 2 of the hijackers flew out of that very morning. Normally the sky is filled with planes and I hear them. It was so eerie, having the skies so quite. You really noticed it. I will never forget that silence.

  13. I was in my classroom.

    I remember.

    Happy Blue Monday, Ann! Check out my book giveaway.

  14. Happy belated PS. Hope you are having a great week.
