Sunday, August 22, 2010

Blue Monday - Raggedy Ann Dolls-The Classic American Doll!

Aw, Raggedy Ann Dolls. The best known and most adored rag dolls!
I use to collect Raggedy Ann Dolls. I have most of them packed away (the vintage collectible ones) but I do have a few newer ones displayed in one of my guest bedrooms. Years ago I bought this antique wood doll bed at a thrift store. I have a Raggedy Ann doll in it for my sweet little grand daughters to play with when they come to visit me.
33 years ago my mother crocheted that little doll blanket on the bed for my daughter's dolls. I have saved it all these years and I now let my grand daughters play with it!

Here comes the inspector.......he always has to check out everything.......

In case you are wondering why the blocks on that shelf spell out LONG, that is our last name!

Such a sweet little face! They make any little girl smile!

For more Blue Monday posts, please go visit our hostess for Blue Monday, Ms Sally at Smiling Sally's Blog!


  1. Hi Annie :-)
    molto simpatica questa bambola di pezza...
    Io sono delle Marche ( Macerata ).
    Ischia รจ una bellissima isola... da quanto tempo vivi nella California ?
    Grazie della visita :-))

  2. What a nice Grandma you are to have that darling bed and "baby" for your granddaughters to play with. Meanwhile, you have memories to keep.

    Happy Blue Monday, Ann!

  3. Anne,

    Your Annie's are so cute! That is one thing I have never had while growing up...a Raggedy Ann doll. Maybe I should make myself one...


  4. I have always loved them too, how could anyone not, they are so cheerful! Love the little one in the bed :D

  5. Love that victorian doll bed just too cute girl...Happy Blue Monday to you my friend..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  6. Awe, love your Raggedy Ann dolls.I had a Raggedy Ann costume once. My cousin and I tap danced together when I was about 10 and one dance called for Raggedy Ann and Andy costumes.
    I know what you mean about Norwalk. The whole town is so different than it was in the 40s and 50s. We still had relatives living there until about a year ago when they moved to Bellflower. They were the only white people in their neighborhood in Norwalk for the last many years they lived there. They were all Mexican, probably most of them illegal.
    Have a good week.

  7. I love the little doll bed and the cat with the doll is just too cute!

  8. Oh I love those raggedy dols. So cute.

  9. Fun dolls. Glad you have a place to show them off. Especially the sweet blanket your mother made. Debbie

  10. What memories of my Raggedy Ann Doll !!! She was one of my favorites.. I seem to remember my friends making fun of me for having one way back in the good old days in Cali... Perhaps they were not truly my friends????
    Silly huh.. Thanks for you note Sorry for the late reply,,it seems I get to be the one starting a bug here in our home..I pray it is NOT a sign of things to come this flu season ;0)
    Gods Blessings all around you and Hugs from me to You~~~ Dena

  11. Love little raggedy Anns. I have a daughter we call Annie. That's probably why. Mimi

  12. Hi Annie,
    Yes you are right who doesn't love Raggedy Ann and Andy too.
    My sister had a Raggedy Ann and Andy nursery for my niece who is now 34 years old. The crib had Raggedy Ann and Andy wooden figures on it. I wonder if I can find a old picture of it.....
    A really fun post....
    Have a sweet day, hugs~Elizabeth

  13. Hi Anne,

    What a cute post on your Raggedy Ann Dolls. Thank you for visiting my Miracle Makeover post.

  14. The cat, I love the cat! :) My dogs would of done the same thing, they want to know everything new that is going on, yesterday I got out my tubs of fall stuff and they had to come over and smell everything that came out!

    What a sweet grandma you are, I hope to be like that one day when my three boys have kids.

  15. I love them all! Annies have always been my favorite dolls- I had several when I was little. Oh and Hollie Hobby, too.. but I love any kind of Annies!
