Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Before and After Pictures of my latest project!

Two months ago my husband and I purchased the eye sore of our neighborhood. This house has sat vacate for two years, the windows were all broken, it has been vandalized, when I first walked through it I saw rats, lets just say it was horrible. BUT, we saw a vision. The house was built in 1914, and it sits on a 3 acre deserted Avocado Orchard. We set out to fix up the house back to its original state, rent it out, and then nurse all the Avocado Trees back to health. The back of the property is adjacent to our 3 acres, so we have easy access to the Avocado Field and the front of the property will be private for our new renter. Today it was officially done and we turned over the keys to our renter.

This is the house BEFORE

This is the house AFTER!

Here is a side view (you can see the broken windows boarded up here) and the weeds before they were cleaned. The weeds were so bad you couldn't even walk to the house.

Here is the side view now!

I did all the landscaping! I planted lots of roses, hydrangeas, foxgloves, gerbera daisies, geraniums, grass, etc. All the plants are purple or yellow in color with hints of pink and orange.

We tried to keep the inside of the house vintage looking. There was an old pot belly stove that was in the house when it was first built. Someone stole it when it was vacate so we hunted around and found one from the 1890's era. It was once in a train!

This is the original fireplace from when the house was built in 1914. You can tell years ago they used it for cooking. It is built for cooking and not for heating.
My husband and I accomplished a lot in only 2 months! Our neighbors have thanked us for taking this horrible eye sore and making it pretty again. All the avocado trees are coming back in fact I picked a huge basket and gave them out to some of the neighbors!


  1. What a lovely house! You did a great job!

  2. SHUT UP! That's way too much work to accomplish in just two months. I love it. I've always wanted to buy an old house and fix it up. I just spend most of my time un-fixing my newer house so it looks like an old house. Great job

  3. You must be the favorite of the neighborhood now. Not only fixing up the eye sore but giving away avocados! You'd be my favorite neighbor.

  4. Ann, what a fabulous job you did..ooh avocadoes, how I miss them..we had a tree in our Claremont house but now out herein the desert no avocadoes..enjoy!


  5. you did a great happy you found someone to rent it so fast...

  6. What a transformation! The house looks wonderful now! The yellow color is so fresh and makes the house look so charming. Your landscaping job looks fantastic! It's really a very nice looking house and you and your hubby have done a marvelous job. All I can say is, lucky renters! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  7. GET OUT!!! Whooooa...If we ever move back to California, which is highly unlikely, that house should be rented to me, sugar!!! What a fantastic job you did, chick.

  8. How beautiful. It's great that ya'll were able to buy this beautiful old home and bring it back to life without destroying the history. You did a wonderful job and the no wonder the neighbors are so pleased.

  9. The transformation is amazing! Your neighbors are lucky!

  10. Goodness, you did just a wonderful job! I love the house and the colors you chose and all of the landscaping, it's just amazing you could make that big of a change in just a couple of months!

  11. Oh Anne I don't know where to start. Yes it's been awhile. I'm not doing too much blogging lately. I did go on a 3 week blogging 54th birthday party though. I met Jeaane, Mrs. Magpie, CC from Georgia, and a few other great ladies. We had sooooo much fun. I'll never forget my 54th.
    Anyway first, I got the TP at our little country store during breast cancer month. I bought them out lol
    Second, I LOVE and DID see your work in Artful blogger, congratulations. Living in Canada, I had to search my face off to get one. I'm hooked : )
    Third, your diner and home are UNBELIEVABLE, really really fun, cute and special. Would LOVE to sit and order a burger and fries with you, and a huge malt shake, we don't have malt shakes here either.
    Four, I also have "Always Kiss me Goodnight" written on my bedroom wall.
    I'll have to go back and look again. So much has changed since my last visit.
    Saying good night to one of my first friends : )
    I think I met you through Sally's blue monday....oh one more thing, that little lamb vase, I have one JUST LIKE YOURS!!!
    Hugs Anne
    Love Claudie

  12. WOW! So cute. Where do you get all your energy? Wherever it is, I want some! Cute house and avocados too. Fabulous. Mimi

  13. The house is beautiful. I sure wish I was your neighbor! I LOVE avocados!

  14. It's getting warm here but bring your sweater just in case...Have fun with the grandbabies. Mimi

  15. Fantastic job on the house and grounds, that is alot of work, have been there done that several times. Beautifully done.

  16. The white daylily with the purple center is one of my faves. It is 'Pandora's Box'. I am always on the lookout for different colors. There are tons of them, but they aren't readily available in my town.

  17. wow! You guys are on a roll...with that home and the diner you just finished! Wish I had you as a neighbor!! One thing for sure, you'll have your own endless guacamole source!!! Perhaps you should develop "Anne's Amazing Avocado Recipes" and compile them in a new best seller....I'd buy it!!

    Hope your week was terrific! L, Dana

  18. WOW!!! Ann, your creativity never ceases to amaze me!! I know your neighbors are thrilled!

    p.s.- got those chickies yet? *giggle*

  19. Oh my gosh- this is truly amazing!!! What a gorgeous place. It looks absolutely wonderful. And I'd love having unlimited avocados, too- so cool!

  20. This must have been so satisfying. Great job.

  21. what you did in such a short time is just amazing!!! and I love avocados, it's nice they could be saved...
