Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pink Saturday - The Flower Fields

Every year during the spring months the Flower Fields down in Carlsbad, California (near San Diego) are open to the public. If you are near this area during the spring months, you have to go see this spectacular sight. It is open now till Mothers Day.

This is 50 acres of the most beautiful blooms on a hillside overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Every year I have my husband take me there so that I can drool.

You get to ride around the 50 acres on a trailer being pulled by a tractor. Look at all those beautiful PINK Giant Tecolote Ranunculus.

This flower farm has been here for over 60 years. They also have a beautiful rose garden.
And then when you are finished walking around the Flower Fields, in order to get out of the farm, you have to walk through a beautiful huge Flower Nursery with every imaginable flower and garden decor for sale....I Love it there!

For more Pink Saturday posts, please click here and visit Ms Beverly at How Sweet The Sound!


  1. Those are some amazing flowers...what fun that would be to take a ride through all of them! Do you think they had a plan when they drop you off at the nursery after your ride?:) You have such a green thumb, I'll bet you are giddy over this outing!

    Happy Pink Sat!!!!! L, Dana

  2. That is such a beautiful garden. I imagine the smell is intoxicating. I would probably pickup several flowers to take home.Happy Pink Saturday

  3. Good Grief!! That is just a little bit of heaven!!

  4. Oh my goodness. Those photos are incredible. I wish I could see it in person. I think ranunculus have to be one of my top 5 favorite flowers. Just love them.

    Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post.

  5. Such a lovely place. We visited there about 10 years ago. It is amazing in person.

  6. I have seen those and they really are beautiful fields and fields of color! I have one up north here by Monterey, next door to a dump of all places. Have a wonderful pink weekend!

  7. We'll be down to visit our kids in May so we may drop by to see that also, chickee... We used to live in Carlsbad and Oceanside and San Diego before heading north....

  8. Just absolutely gorgeous!! I'd have to do it too, girlie. Thanks so much for sharing the adventure with us pinkies.

    It immediately made me think of the Christmas tree farms hubby and I saw on our honeymoon in the North Carolina smokey mountains.

  9. Oh my goodness! That is beautiful! I would make my husband take me there too! Roses are my favorite. I think I would try to leave with a new rose bush each time! Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!

  10. What a neat place to visit- loved the flowers..(:)

  11. Happy Pinks, Ann! Wow how amazing is that! I'm drooling! Sounds like such fun and such a delight for the senses! Ok girl, what did you bring home with you?! Fess up now! ;)

    Have a lovely "pink" weekend!


  12. Happy pink Saturday! Wow, this is absolutely Heaven!!!

    God bless and have a fun weekend!!!

  13. beautiful...if I ever go back to Califorina...I will definately go see it...

  14. Looks like you had a marvelous time there. Wowza!
    Joyce M

  15. Oh wow...I would just love to see it and smell it! Thanks for sharing about it. Come say hi :D

  16. Truly unbelievably beautiful. We used to live up by Lompoc where they have similar flower fields. Always such a beautiful sight. Mimi

  17. I love your beautiful blog. So happy to found it. Happy belated Pink Saturday.

